Mapa profesional con IA:
encuentra la ruta profesional de tus sueños

Conoce tus posibles rutas profesionales con la herramienta de mapa profesional. Planifica tu siguiente movimiento y déjate guiar por tu propio mapa profesional hasta el empleo de tus sueños.

Stars Diseñar mi ruta profesional
El mapa profesional con IA te ayuda a explorar diferentes rutas profesionales adaptadas a tu perfil

Consigue tu mapa profesional personalizado y descubre a qué te lleva cada opción.

Toma decisiones sobre tu próximo movimiento con la ayuda de la herramienta de mapa profesional, que funciona con IA. Sube tu CV, realiza un breve cuestionario y la herramienta te proporcionará una serie de rutas profesionales adaptadas a tu experiencia y a tus expectativas. Cada una de esas rutas incluye información sobre salarios y un pequeño resumen de cada puesto, para que conozcas exactamente en qué consistiría.

Obtener mi mapa profesional
El mapa profesional con IA te aporta orientación sobre la adquisición y transferencia de competencias

Identifica aquellas habilidades que necesitas adquirir para llegar a tu empleo ideal.

El mapa profesional es la herramienta ideal para tu desarrollo profesional. En función de tu CV o de tu perfil de LinkedIn, te ayuda a planificar la adquisición de conocimiento y de competencias a largo plazo. Para cada puesto de tu mapa profesional, te proporciona una lista de competencias que ya dominas y otra con aquellas que debes adquirir antes de optar a ese puesto. Si hay algún empleo en el mapa que se considera un destino potencial, te brinda una serie de sugerencias que guían tu camino hasta ahí.

Obtener mi mapa profesional
El mapa profesional con IA es capaz de crear cartas de presentación adaptadas a los candidatos y recomendar puestos de trabajo en función de las preferencias

No te quedes en diseñar tu ruta profesional y pasa al siguiente nivel.

Además de ayudarte a buscar empleo directamente dentro de tu ámbito profesional y a crear una carta de presentación personalizada para ese puesto que te interesa, también te ayuda con las preguntas más comunes de una entrevista. Como ocurre con otros mapas, el mapa profesional es útil si te ayuda a alcanzar tu destino, así que no dejes de explorarlo y comienza a solicitar empleo hoy mismo.

Obtener mi mapa profesional

Estamos trabajando en más novedades.

Personalización del CV

Personalización del CV

Nuestro redactor IA puede tomar tu CV o tu perfil de LinkedIn para crear un CV que se ajuste específicamente a tu experiencia y al empleo de tus sueños.

Asignación automática

Asignación automática de ofertas de empleo

Una vez que has explorado tu mapa profesional, puedes encontrar ofertas laborales reales que se te han atribuido de forma automática en función de tus habilidades, tu experiencia y tus expectativas.

In ten years, you’ll look back and be glad you found this career explorer.

How are you supposed to have a dream job if you have no way of knowing what options you have? It’s hard to aim of something you don’t even know is there.

The career map solves that problem by showing you actual career paths that can realistically help you achieve your ideal lifestyle.

Give the career map a try and discover the best career paths you can take. Simply upload your resume and let us analyze it. The career map will then help you find a fitting job role and plan your next career move accordingly.

Benefits? Better salaries, job satisfaction, and job security.

The career map will help you plan your career. And people who plan their careers are much better off than those who don’t. They get:

Higher salaries. People who plan their careers are statistically more likely to receive salary increases.

Increased job satisfaction. People who plan their careers and regularly explore their options, come to better understand what job they want, why they want it, and eventually learn how to land it. All that leads to increased job fulfillment and motivation.

More promotions and faster growth. Having a clear plan leads to greater career progression and opportunities for growth. In other words, it will help you get better jobs and progress faster.

Better job security. Having a career plan gives you a better sense of control over your career development. That leads to greater stability and peace of mind.

As it turns out, the key to landing a dream job is long-term planning. After all, if a job has all of the qualities listed above, then it really is a dream job!

For high achievers, career switchers, fresh graduates—for everybody.

Who is the career map for? It’s a career decision-making tool for anyone who feels a bit lost but is very serious about their professional development.

Are you a high achiever? The career map can help you explore your options and discover new aspirations. There are high-profile jobs even you may not know about yet!

Are you changing jobs or careers? The career map will show you all the best ways to use your transferrable skills in other jobs or careers. It will also tell you which new skills you need to acquire to transition successfully.

Are you a fresh graduate? Our career search tool will help you identify the skills you’ve acquired in school or during internships, and recommend the best entry-level jobs for you.

Do you want to increase your salary? Wondering if you could use your skills in a better-paid role? The career map will help you answer that questions and even find better-paid roles you can transfer to.

How to you use the career map?

All career planning is pretty simple on paper: know where you are and choose your destination — then figure out the best way to get there (career-wise, of course).

Since all of the above is much easier said than done, the career map will take care of much of the heavy lifting. It won’t make the final decision for you, but it will help you explore your career options without wasting hours on research.

Wondering how exactly does our career explorer come up with career roadmaps tailored just for you?

Here’s the short explanation:

  1. Import your resume (or create one).
  2. Complete a short questionnaire.
  3. Done! You can now explore your career map.

And here’s the long version, for those who’d like to know more:

Step 1: It gets to know your skills and background. The career map imports your LinkedIn profile or uses your resume to understand where you’re at in your career. It analyzes your skills and professional background, and compares them with the thousands of real-life job requirements to identify the roles that suit you the best.

Step 2: It tries to understand your expectations for the future. The career map asks you about your ideal lifestyle, salary expectations, and professional aspirations. It’s just a short questionnaire you fill out when you first log in. After all, just because you have what it takes to do a job, it doesn’t mean you will actually like the job.Your preferences are as important as your skills (or perhaps even more so).

Step 3: Explore your options on the career map. Once the career map understands where you’re coming from and where you want to go, it can finally show you all the possible career paths to get you there. Each career path and job role comes with an average salary, skills you can transfer, and skills you should learn before applying.

Step 4: Apply for jobs, generate cover letters, come back for more later. Since the career map is well integrated with the rest of our career toolbox, it lets you quickly generate tailored cover letters for each job role or position, apply for jobs, and more (we’re already working on generating tailored resumes). Once you have decided on a role, you can immediately start working on turning your professional dreams into reality — all directly from inside the career map!

Naturally, you’re playing a long game here. Because of that, you may want to come back later when you have more things to add to your resume. Who knows, you might discover even more exciting career paths to take.

Not just a career explorer tool—more like a career finder toolbox.

The career map is a part of Kickresume — the powerful career kit packed with tools for everything from identifying your dream job to landing it.

Kickresume will help you create a professional resume quickly and without much effort. It lets you pick from 40 customizable resume templates, use AI resume writer to generate your first draft, or let AI to rewrite a resume you already have.

Kickresume’s resume checker will even let you compare your resume to other successful resumes in our database and check it for errors and ATS compatibility.

There’s also a AI-powered cover letter builder that will help you create a cover letter that visually matches your resume, and a personal website builder that will let you turn your resume into a website.

Finally, once all that is done and you get invited to job interviews, Kickresume will even help you prepare for those. Our AI job interview questions generator will help you prepare for the questions you’re most likely to get asked at a job interview.

As you can see, together with the Career Map you get an entire package of tools that will help you identify your dream job as well as land it. We're always hard at work to make it the only career toolbox you’ll ever need.

Diseñado por expertos en RH

Nuestro equipo de profesionales expertos en RR. HH. se encarga de crear todas las herramientas y sus conocimientos garantizan que obtengas la ventaja competitiva que buscas.
Experto en RH
Asesor de RH del proyecto
Marta Říhová
Marta Říhová es una profesional de Recursos Humanos apasionada por su labor y con más de 10 años de experiencia en la selección de personal para el sector de las TIC. Ha trabajado con empresas emergentes y empresas de gran envergadura, como SAP Signavio o MANN+HUMMEL. Fundó Limetee para ofrecer una nueva perspectiva en la selección de personal, desde su enfoque único y su experiencia en las TIC. Marta destaca en el uso de datos concretos, lo que le convierte en una socia estratégica en RRHH. Su trabajo en la selección de personal para el sector de las TIC comienza en el punto en el que otros lo dejan, de modo que está muy solicitada para los puestos más desafiantes.

Seguridad y protección de datos

Kickresume te da el control absoluto de tus datos y, a la vez, los mantiene a salvo.

European Union
Alojado en la

Unión Europea

Nuestra sede está en la Unión Europea, lo que significa que estás protegido/a por la ley de privacidad y seguridad más estricta del mundo (RGPD). Esto te da el control absoluto de tus datos y garantiza la máxima transparencia.


Lealtad hacia nuestros clientes

Creemos que ser leales a clientes como tú merece siempre la pena. Kickresume se basa en tu confianza y no queremos perderla. Por ese motivo, no compartimos tus datos con terceros a menos que nos lo indiques.


Seguridad garantizada por hackers éticos

Gracias a nuestra colaboración con una empresa líder en seguridad de TI, cuyo nombre no podemos desvelar por motivos de confidencialidad, podemos realizar pruebas de penetración a nuestra infraestructura de manera periódica y así garantizar que tus datos permanezcan seguros con nosotros.