Ingeniero de software en prácticas en Agile Technologies Ejemplo de CV

Contratado/a por: Agile Technologies

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Ingeniero de software en prácticas en Agile Technologies Ejemplo de CV (Versión de Texto completo)

Nathan Mike Kelly

Address: 9th, New Orleans, United States
Date of birth: 30 May. 1995
Email address:
Phone number: 555-555


Computer Engineering graduate with experience working across the full-stack of software development. I’ve built projects and applications on a generally small-scale level and currently actively looking for an entry-level role where I can excel, grow and continue to learn from other experienced team members!

Work Experience

06/2021 - 09/2021, Software Engineering Intern, Agile Technologies (, Cairo, Egypt
  • Designed, implemented and published a complete mini-store mobile/website application. The finished product came equipped with a proficient relational database, silky-smooth GUI, resource-efficient design and scaled-yet-reliable mobile performance. Established acquaintance with the complete SDLC and the Agile methodology.

Frontend Development:

  • Demonstrated course work experience and executed projects utilizing C++, Python, HTML, CSS and JavaScript.
  • Created an array of fully functional websites via the latter three tools whilst augmenting them with back-end utilities using XAMPP and various Linux distros.

Backend Development:

  • Employed numerous projects utilizing MongoDB, MySQL, PHP and Flask.


2016 - 2021, BSc Computer Engineering (minor: Business Administration), American University in Cairo, Cairo, Egypt

Major GPA : 3.1/4.0 ||| Minor GPA: 3.8/4.0

2014 - 2016, International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma, Cairo English School, Cairo, Egypt

Graduation Thesis Project

[COVID-19 Detection using Machine Learning]

Implemented a local comprehensive website that prompts user input of an x-ray scan which is then segmented and classified, with an output result of Covid-likelihood percentage calculated by machine-learning models.

Tools and resources utilized: Kaggle, VGG16, U-Net, Flask, Jupyter and CSS.

Extracurricular Activities

AUC Student Union Member                       2017-2021

Faculty Senator and Eventplanner

Additional Info.

Arabic (Proficient)
English (IELTS 8.0/9.0)
French (B1)


Greek (EU) Permanent Resident
Military Status: Exempted
Certified Open-Water Diver
Resumen del puesto:

As an Intermediate Software Engineer, you will play a crucial role in the development and implementation of software solutions. Your responsibilities will include participating in the design, coding, testing, and debugging of software applications. Collaborating with cross-functional teams, you will contribute to the software development life cycle, ensuring high-quality deliverables and meeting project milestones. The ideal candidate should have a strong technical background, problem-solving skills, and a passion for continuous learning in the ever-evolving field of software engineering.

Resumen de la empresa:
Agile Technologies

Agile Technologies is a dynamic and innovative company at the forefront of technological advancements. Specializing in software development and IT solutions, Agile Technologies offers cutting-edge services tailored to meet the unique needs of businesses. With a team of highly skilled professionals, the company combines agile methodologies with the latest technologies to deliver robust and scalable software solutions. Agile Technologies prides itself on its commitment to quality, customer satisfaction, and timely project delivery. Whether it's developing custom software applications, implementing digital solutions, or providing IT consulting services, Agile Technologies is dedicated to empowering businesses with technology for success.

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