AI Career Map:
Discover your ideal career path.

Explore your career options with our career mapping tool. Plan your next move and let your personalized career map guide you directly to your dream career.

Stars Map My Career
Career map

Get your personalized career map. Explore where each path can lead you.

Decide on your next move with the help of our AI career mapping tool. Simply upload your resume, complete a short questionnaire, and the career map will generate a set of personalized career paths tailored to your background and expectations. Each path on your career map includes salaries and a quick rundown of each occupation, so you know exactly what you’ll be getting into.

Get My Career Map

Identify the skill gaps that stand between you and your dream job.

The career map works great as a career development tool. Based on your resume or LinkedIn profile, it helps you plan your lifelong learning and skill acquisition. For every role on the career map, you also get a list of skills you already possess, as well as skills you should acquire before applying for the role. If each role on the career map is considered a potential destination, then the skill suggestions effectively draw the path to reaching it.

Get My Career Map

Take the next step. Don’t stop at just mapping your career journey.

Apply for jobs directly from within the career map and quickly generate a tailored cover letter for any position that interests you. It can also help you prepare for the most common questions you're likely to encounter during an interview. Just like any other map, the career map is only ever useful if it helps you get to your destination. So don’t stop at career exploration — start applying for jobs today.

Get My Career Map

More coming soon.

Resume tailoring

Resume tailoring

Our AI Writer can take your all-purpose resume or LinkedIn profile, and create a resume tailored specifically for your background and dream role.

Auto matching

Auto-matching with jobs

Once you’ve explored your career map, you can get auto-matched with real job openings that fit your skills, experience, and expectations.

Bezpečnosť a ochrana údajov

Kickresume ti dáva plnú kontrolu nad tvojimi osobnými údajmi a zároveň ich udržuje v bezpečí.

Sme súčasťou

Európskej únie

Sídlime v jednej z krajín Európskej únie, čo znamená, že podliehame prísnemu zákonu o ochrane osobných údajov (GDPR). To ti dáva úplnú kontrolu nad tvojimi údajmi a zaisťuje maximálnu transparentnosť.


Lojalita k zákazníkom

Naša filozofia je, že byť lojálny k zákazníkom sa oplatí. Kickresume sme vybudovali na dôvere zákazníkov a nechceme ju stratiť. Tvoje osobné údaje nezdieľame tretím stranám bez tvojho predchádzajúceho súhlasu.


Testované etickými hackermi

Vďaka našej spolupráci s poprednou IT spoločnosťou na ochranu a zabezpečenie webových stránok pravidelne testujeme našu infraštruktúru penetračnými testami. Vďaka tomu sú tvoje dáta v absolútnom bezpečí.