Country Manager v UTZ Certified

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Country Manager v UTZ Certified (textová verzia)

Sophia Mila Peterson

Address: Rodríguez Peña 43, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Email address:
Phone number: 999-9999

Work experience

03/2016 - present, Business Manager, TcUrbes, São Paulo, Brazil

TC Urbes is a B Corporation that aims to improve the relationship between people and cities through its urban planning activities. Main activities:

– Elaboration of financial management reports, cash flow analysis, and pricing strategy for each project

– Follow up of company’s financial performance and budget execution

– Support managing partners in the decision making process regarding new businesses strategies, markets and projects

07/2016 - present, Cooperator, Humana Sustainability Services, São Paulo, Brazil

I am part of Humana, a consultancy in sustainability, since july 2016. We work as a free company, in a network model, where everyone is co-responsible for developing company's main processes. I am part of a the team that develops products and services in sustainability and also part of the workgroup that takes care of finance and investments.

At Humana, I also worked as a consultant for the Environmental Secretariat of Poá City, performing the following activities:

- Elaborated a diagnosis using the SWOT analysis

- Planned integrated actions with other secretariats

- Elaborated campaigns about solid waste

- Planned and executed educational campaigns about natural resources

- Elaborated projects to raise funds

06/2015 - 03/2016, Inclusive Business Consultant, ISES - Instituto de Sócio Economia Solidária, São Paulo, Brazil

Consultant of a Social Corporate Responsibility Program of Instituto Votorantim in partnership with BNDES

Main attributions:

–  Follow up of cooperatives and associations in the familiar agriculture sector, in two different territories in Brazil: Mato Grosso and Tocantins

–  Project and Business Management – Planning, executing and monitoring all projects’ activities: construction works, investments, financials, deliveries and deadlines; Support in businesses plans’ elaboration, strategic management, financial management, value chain structuration and process improvement

01/2015 - 07/2015, Social Business Consultant, Yunus Social Business, São Paulo / Tirana, Brazil / Albania

Yunus Social Business Brazil

Main attributions:

Coordination of the social businesses’ acceleration program

Yunus Social Business Albânia

Main attributions:

–  Coached social entrepreneurs that participated in Yunus Social Business (YSB) acceleration process, with the objective of validating their business models by piloting and testing the products in the market

–  Followed-up social businesses that received investment from YSB in order to guarantee growth, financial sustainability and achievement of social goals

–  Planned the implementation of project that aims to foster entrepreneurship as a main source of income and employment generation in Albania

04/2011 - 03/2013, Management Consultant, Visagio, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

–  Project Manager of the finance team in a process-mapping project intended to implement the SAP system at Vale

–  Participation in Vale’s Human Resources Projects related to areas such as employee recognition, gender equity and health & safety

03/2010 - 01/2011, Procurement Trainee, C&A, Barueri (São Paulo), Brazil

- Trained in company’s different areas and processes, from purchasing to sales

- Orientated in the main procurement processes

- Performed as a Procurement Planner


02/2016 - 12/2016, Education for Government Leaders, School of Government, São Paulo, Brazil
10/2013 - 10/2014, Master's Degree in Public Management, University of Potsdam, Potsdam, Germany
08/2003 - 12/2009, Bachelor's Degree in Production Engineering, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro - UFRJ, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil


Portuguese - 100%
English - 95%
Spanish - 70%
German - 50%


Social justice


Project Management
People Skills
Analytical Skills
Problem Solving
O pozícií:

As a Country Manager, you will be responsible for overseeing all operations and activities within a specific country or region. Your role will involve setting strategic goals, managing budgets, and leading a team to achieve business objectives. You will establish and maintain relationships with key stakeholders, drive sales and revenue growth, and ensure compliance with local regulations. The ideal candidate should have strong leadership skills, business acumen, and a deep understanding of the market dynamics in the assigned country or region.

O firme:
UTZ Certified

UTZ Certified is a globally recognized certification program that promotes sustainable farming practices and the responsible sourcing of agricultural products. The company works with farmers, producers, and businesses across the supply chain to ensure the traceability and sustainability of commodities such as cocoa, coffee, and tea. UTZ Certified's rigorous standards and independent auditing process help to improve farming practices, protect the environment, and support the welfare of farmers and workers. By choosing UTZ Certified products, consumers can make a positive impact on social, economic, and environmental aspects of global agriculture.

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