Koordinátor reakcie na núdzové situácie Ukážka životopisu

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Koordinátor reakcie na núdzové situácie Ukážka životopisu (textová verzia)

Samantha Roth

Národnosť: Australian
Dátum narodenia: 23/4/1987
E-mail: hello@kickresume.com
Telefón: 999-9999
Web: www.kickresume.com


09/2013 - 06/2020, Master of Public Health, Emergency Response Coordinator, Harvard University - Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, Massachusetts, UNITED STATES

Providing interdisciplinary training in emergency preparedness, response, and recovery. Coordinated emergency response training exercises for a team of 20 students, resulting in a 95% success rate in simulated emergency situations. Participated in a community-wide disaster simulation exercise, collaborating with local emergency responders to provide medical and logistical support to over 100 participants.

Work Experience

01/2022 - súčasnosť, Emergency Response Coordinator, Rio Tinto, SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA
  • Coordinated emergency response efforts for multiple natural disasters, resulting in timely and effective evacuation and relief efforts for affected communities.
  • Developed and implemented emergency response plans for various organizations, ensuring preparedness and efficient execution in the event of a crisis.
  • Conducted thorough risk assessments and emergency drills, identifying potential vulnerabilities and areas for improvement in emergency response protocols.
  • Conducted regular training sessions for employees on emergency response procedures, resulting in a 75% increase in employee preparedness.
01/2021 - 12/2021, Emergency Response Coordinator, International Medical Corps, Haiti
  • Developed and implemented emergency response plans for multiple facilities, resulting in a 83% decrease in response time during crises.
  • Coordinated with local law enforcement and emergency services to ensure prompt and effective response to emergency situations.


2019, Emergency Management Professionals, National Emergency Management Association - NEMA

I am proud to be the recipient of the Emergency Management Professionals award from the National Emergency Management Association (NEMA). This award recognizes my dedication and expertise in the field of emergency management, as well as my contributions to the profession. I am honored to have been recognized by such a prestigious organization and am grateful for the opportunity to continue working with NEMA to improve emergency preparedness and response efforts across the nation.




12/2017 - 05/2018, Emergency Response Efforts, Oxfam, NGOs, Nepal
01/2016 - 06/2017, Emergency Response Efforts, Oxfam, NGOs, Zimbabwe


Organizational skills
Time management
O pozícií:

As an Emergency Response Coordinator, you will play a vital role in managing and coordinating emergency response efforts. Your responsibilities will include developing response plans, coordinating resources, and implementing protocols to ensure effective emergency response. You will collaborate with internal teams, external agencies, and stakeholders to ensure a coordinated and timely response to emergencies. Your strong organizational skills, communication abilities, and knowledge of emergency management principles will be essential in mitigating risks, protecting lives, and facilitating efficient recovery in emergency situations.

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