Manažér pre úspech zákazníkov v spoločnosti Harmonic

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Priemer: 4.9 (20 hlasovaní)

Manažér pre úspech zákazníkov v spoločnosti Harmonic (textová verzia)

Kevin Vega

Address: urb, 61029, Urbino, Italy
Date of birth: 1984-06-06
Email address:
Phone number: 555-5555

Work experience

09/2019 - present, Customer Success Manager, EMEA, Harmonic, Brest, France
02/2019 - 09/2019, SaaS Senior Program Manager, EMEA, Harmonic, Brest, France

Management of SaaS solutions deployments

06/2017 - 02/2019, Program Manager, Harmonic, Brest, France

Management of international Digital TV projects

  • Responsible for the integration, execution and delivery of complex and innovative multi-technology end-to-end system solutions to Broadcast and Telecom Operators
  • Projects in EMEA and APAC from $0.1M up to millions of dollars going from weeks to years
  • Management of customers, project teams (engineers), suppliers, subcontractors and project’s R&D components
03/2016 - 06/2017, Senior Systems Engineer, Harmonic, Brest, France

Continuation of previous position in Harmonic

10/2013 - 03/2016, Technical Project Manager, Thomson Video Networks, Brest, France

Technical lead on Digital TV projects such as OTT, IPTV, Cable, Satellite projects

  • Strong international and customer facing aspects (2/3 of time abroad in ~30 countries)
  • System integration & deployment, customer training, first level support
10/2012 - 09/2013, Junior Project Manager, Naval Group, Brest, France
06/2012 - 09/2012, Software Developer, Philips Lighting, Eindhoven, Netherlands


01/2016, Oustanding key account development, Thomson Video Networks


2007 - 2013, Project Management, ISEN-École d'ingénieur généraliste, Brest, France

Diplôme d'ingénieur

2011 - 2013, Business Engineering, France Business School, Brest, Bretagne, France Fanshawe College, London, Ontario, Canada

Master's degree


Customer relationship
People management


Explore & Discover
Run, Bike, Surf
Yoga & Meditation
Music & DJing
Personal development


2018 - present, Member & DJ, Philigramme, Brest, France
2008 - 2010, Chairman, Solidarité Brest-Zogoré, Zogoré, Burkina-Faso
O pozícií:

As a Customer Success Manager, your primary responsibility is to ensure the satisfaction, success, and retention of customers. You will work closely with clients, understanding their business goals and objectives, and proactively identify opportunities for growth and improvement. By establishing strong relationships and acting as a trusted advisor, you will guide customers through their journey, offering support, guidance, and strategic insights. The role requires excellent communication and problem-solving skills, as well as a deep understanding of the product or service to effectively address customer needs and drive long-term success.

O firme:

Harmonic is a leading technology company specializing in video delivery and cable access solutions. With a focus on transforming video experiences, Harmonic offers innovative products and services that enable broadcasters, service providers, and media companies to deliver high-quality video content to audiences worldwide. The company's comprehensive portfolio includes advanced video processing, encoding, and transcoding solutions, as well as cutting-edge cable access solutions. By leveraging Harmonic's state-of-the-art technologies, customers can enhance video quality, increase operational efficiency, and deliver captivating experiences across multiple platforms and devices. Harmonic continues to be a trusted partner in the rapidly evolving media and entertainment industry.

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