Manažér prevádzky IT v spoločnosti Telus International Ukážka životopisu

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Manažér prevádzky IT v spoločnosti Telus International Ukážka životopisu (textová verzia)

Jennifer Castillo

Address: Rua Marquês de Maricá 15, 40310-000, Pau Miúdo, Brazil
Email address:
Phone number: 999-9999


IT Operation Manager , PMP and Scrum Master Certified, with more than 10 years of experience in Information Technology within international coorporate companies. I'm a committed, courios and pro-active person . I love teamwork, career coaching and learning new things . I'm used to ambiguity and to guide teams thorugh it. I consider myself a servant leader and I'm not afraid to get dirty hands in order to achieve team's goals. Team player with a driven “get it done” attitude and work ethic. .

Work experience

01/2022 - 07/2022, IT Operation Manager, Telus International, San Salvador, El Salvador

I managed operation for few LOBs that provides IT service solution to clients in Canada.

Manager of teams of Technical Leader, Developers, Project Manager, Specialists and Quality Analyst that provides services to several projects , processes and also to support areas.

I ensured KPIs accomplishment for Final Revenue , NPS, CSAT and EBITDA. Also, I did career coaching for Team Members, IT Operation Interviews for new candidates and Attrition Management.

11/2020 - 12/2021, IT Project Manager, Telus International for Telus Canada, San Salvador, El Salvador

Project Management of Technology Transformation Projects for Consumer stack in Telus Canada.

Proposed recommendations and adjustments during projects and program execution.

Reported status of projects to stakeholders . Represents the projects in various meetings and committes and deecision making forums.

Set up and managed Communication Plan ensuring its execution and apply adjustment accoridng to feedback from stackholders.

Managed Priorities , risks,issues and action items tracking.

Lead and motivate teams and stakeholders to keep engagement levels in order to meet timelines agreed.

10/2018 - 09/2020, IT Release Manager, Telus International for Telus Canada, San Salvador / Vancouver, El Salvador & Canada

Release Management(up to $1.5 M in

1 release)

Monitored and Control Scope, E2E testing, Defects , Risks and Issues. Stakeholders Engagement Management

Manged releases across cross functional teams, building processes and coordinating release schedules

For Delivery Pipeline I did dode Repository Management, Release or Hotfix Branch Management,CI/CD Jobs management and tech support and E2E Environment Readiness.

10/2016 - 10/2018, IT Project Manager, Citibank, San Salvador, El Salvador

Project Management(Up to $300 K in 1 project & up to 1 year of project duration) Software Factory CMMI Leve 3 Certified

Project sizing and Documentation Compliance with Baking Policies, Budget , Changes, Risk and Issues Management, Project Status to Program/Portofolio manager within the PMO and to Directors and Clients

09/2011 - 10/2016, Application Development Analyst, Citibank, San Salvador, El Salvador

Requirements Analysis and Development of solutions for regional online banking platform in Java EE on IBM Websphere. Reports Creation for internal and external audit in SQL

Projects Achievements (recent ones)

Program : Merlin Migration of OSS to the Cloud

Company: Telus Canada

Budget: Approx. $45-50 Millions per year

Role: Project Manager and Financial Program Assitance


  • Implement Documentation Structure for the Google Drive of the Program and get PM team onboard to the new guidelines to keep it.
  • Implement Weekly Status Report Dashboard and ensure continuity of this status for Sponsors,Directors and other stakeholders.
  • Release workload of the Financial Prime by supporting Accruals process of SOWs.
  • Implement Checklist and High Level Stages definition for the projects within the program
  • Initiate RACI for Pipeline and Infrastructure related roles.
  • Knowledge Transfer for new PMs from company and Vendor side.

Project : Shopping Cart for all Consumer Products

Company: Telus Canada

Budget: $2 Million

Duration: 1.5 years


  • Integrate teams from company and vendor to start consistents Design's reviews of the OOB(Out of the Box) product implemenation.
  • Implement Action Log to tackle Action Items, Risk and Issues during Design Phase
  • Make communication work smoothly between Vendor and Company Architects teams.
  • Work with the team to succesfully close all Items in the logs.
  • Succesfully completion of Analysis and Desgin phases and getting Sign-Off from corresponding stakeholders.
  • Re-align teams for the implementation stage after switch to an agile approach instead of waterfall .
  • Align Scrum Master, Poduct Owner and Scrum Team scheduling and initiating first ceremonies of grooming and reviews/Demos so they can go independtly by themselfs.

Project: Customer Migration

Company: Telus Canada

Budget: $500K

Duration: 6 months


  • Get Vendor Team (on board with Project objectives,company policies and program dynamic.
  • Define RACI for migration batches.
  • Schedule migration without impacting overnight batches , releases and process from production , also get all production support stakeholder onboard.
  • Implement Triagge to speed up issue resolution during testing.
  • Complete Testing of Migration Tools and their integrations with both main Data Bases On-Prem and Cloud.
  • Succesfully Started Migration Pilot in Production environment.


08/2021, Project Management Professional (PMP), PMI,
05/2018, Scrum Master Certification, Scrum Study, Identifier Credential ID 629207


10/2012 - 02/2014, Master Business Administration, Industrial Organizational School (EOI), Madrid, Spain

Master on Direction of Industrial and Technology Business

03/2006 - 10/2011, Bachelor in Computer Science, Universidad Centroamericana José Simeón Cañas, San Salvador, El Salvador


SQL, Java, .Net
Cloud, Jenkins, GitHub
ITSM- ServiceNow
Tableu, Grafana
Operational Tools
G Suite, Slack, Jira, MS Office


Pablo Marti, Shopify

Please ask for contact information if needed.

Mudit Mashewari, Telus International

Please ask for contact information if needed.

Dmytro Solovyov, Telus

Please ask for contact information if needed.

O pozícií:

As an IT Operations Manager, you will oversee the day-to-day operations of the IT department, ensuring the smooth functioning of systems, networks, and infrastructure. Your responsibilities will include managing IT staff, coordinating projects, and implementing operational best practices. You will collaborate with cross-functional teams to identify and address technology needs, resolve issues, and optimize IT processes. The ideal candidate should have strong technical knowledge, excellent leadership skills, and a proven track record in managing IT operations effectively. With your expertise, you will drive efficiency, reliability, and security in IT operations.

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