Ukážka životopisu farmaceutického technika

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Ukážka životopisu farmaceutického technika (textová verzia)

Nathan Oldow

Nationality: American
Date of birth: 5/9/1985
E-mail adress:
Phone number: 999-9999


To obtain a position as a Pharmacy Technician utilizing my education in Pharmaceutical Science, experience in the field, and language skills in English and French. Proficient in Microsoft Office Suite, EHR, POS, and Amadeus, I am eager to contribute my skills to provide excellent customer service, dispense medication accurately, and maintain a safe and efficient pharmacy environment.

Work Experience

08/2020 - PRESENT, Pharmacy technicians, Omnicare, CVS Health, PERTH, AUSTRALIA
  • Efficiently processed and filled up to 200 prescriptions per day, ensuring accuracy and compliance with legal and safety regulations.
  • Maintained inventory levels of medications and supplies, regularly conducting audits and restocking shelves to ensure adequate stock levels and prevent backorders.
03/2015 - 01/2020, Public HealthCare Support, Pharmacy Government Agency, AU, SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA
  • Assisted in the implementation of a new patient education program, resulting in a 20% increase in patient compliance with treatment plans.


2005 - 2010, Bachelor of Pharmacy, Pharmaceutical Science, Monash University, SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA

Chemistry and Public Health strong minors

2010 - 2015, Medication Safety and Quality Assurance, Medication Safety and Quality Assurance, SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA


Microsoft Office Suite


07/2013, National Healthcareer Association, Certified Pharmacy Technician (ExCPT), 1234567890
O pozícií:

As a Pharmacy Technician, you will play a crucial role in supporting pharmacists in various tasks related to medication preparation and distribution. Your responsibilities will include assisting with prescription processing, accurately dispensing medications, managing inventory, and providing excellent customer service to patients. You will also be responsible for maintaining a clean and organized workspace, adhering to pharmacy regulations and procedures, and ensuring the safe handling of medications. Strong attention to detail, excellent organizational skills, and a commitment to patient care are essential for success in this role.

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