Ukážka životopisu oddelenia služieb zákazníkom

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Ukážka životopisu oddelenia služieb zákazníkom (textová verzia)

Lara Hempton

Adress: Street 34 B/2, London, United Kingdom
Nationality: English
E-mail adress:
Phone number: 5555-5555


As a customer service professional with a degree in business and management, I bring a strong understanding of effective communication, problem-solving, and customer satisfaction. I am seeking a customer service role where I can utilize my skills, experience, and passion for helping others to make a positive impact.


01/2012 - 04/2018, Bussines and Management, University of Cambridge, Judge Business School, Cambridge, UNITED KINGDOM
  • High Marketing and Managing Customer Relationships minor
  • GPA 3.8
  • The 2018 Academic Excellence Award winner

Activities: CEO- founder of University podcast, supported by Salesforce Service Cloud

09/2005 - 05/2012, North London Collegiate School, London, United Kingdom
  • 2014 Outstanding Academic Achievement in Humanities

Work Experience

05/2018 - PRESENT, Customer Service, Amazon, LONDON, United kindgom
  • Effectively resolved customer inquiries and complaints through attentive listening and clear communication, resulting in a 95% customer satisfaction rating.
  • Provided exceptional service by anticipating customer needs and proactively offering solutions, resulting in a 30% increase in customer loyalty.
  • Maintained accurate and detailed records of customer interactions and follow-up actions, ensuring timely and effective resolution of issues.
  • Lead Customer Service team of 15 members to streamline processes and improve customer experience, resulting in a 44% reduction in average handling time for customer inquiries.


Fleep, Flock
Microsoft Office




Communication, Problem-solving, Empathy
Patience, Adaptability, Product knowledge
Attention to detail, Multitasking, Teamwork
Customer-focused, Positive attitude, Sales skills
Professionalism, Dependability, Flexibility
O pozícií:

As a Customer Service professional, you will be the face of the company, providing exceptional service and support to customers. Your main responsibility will be to address customer inquiries, resolve issues, and ensure customer satisfaction. This will involve effective communication, problem-solving, and a strong customer-centric approach. Your goal will be to build positive relationships with customers, retain their loyalty, and contribute to the overall reputation and success of the company. Strong interpersonal skills, patience, and the ability to work in a fast-paced environment are crucial for this role.

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