Ukážka životopisu špecialistu GIS

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Ukážka životopisu špecialistu GIS (textová verzia)

Hans Schmidt ThLic.

Adress: street 11, California, United States
Nationality: German
Birth Date: 23/4/1975
Phone: 5555-5555


As an experienced GIS Specialist with a degree in Geoinformatics, I possess a variety of skills including proficiency in Q-GIS, ArcGIS, Oracle, and Python. Additionally, I am fluent in German, English, and French. My publication "Remote Sensing and GIS for Ecologists" demonstrates my expertise in the field. I am seeking a job as a GIS Specialist, where I can utilize my skills and knowledge to contribute to the organization's success.


2008 - 2016, Masters of Science, Geoinformatics, British Columbia Institute of Technology, Canada
  • Conducted research and analysis on geospatial data using remote sensing techniques, resulting in the creation of detailed maps and visualizations.
  • Collaborated with interdisciplinary teams to develop geospatial solutions for real-world problems, such as disaster management and urban planning.
  • Designed and implemented geodatabases, ensuring the accuracy and completeness of the data for use in decision-making processes.
  • Utilized programming languages such as Python and R to automate geospatial processes, increasing efficiency and reducing errors in data analysis.

Work Expierence

2019 - súčasnosť, GIS Specialist, Esri, CALIFORNIA, united states
  • Developed and maintained GIS databases, ensuring accuracy and completeness of data for various projects and departments.
  • Analyzed and interpreted spatial data to produce maps, visualizations, and reports for internal and external stakeholders.
2016 - 2019, GIS Specialist, Hexagon, sweden
  • Developed custom maps and visualizations that effectively communicated complex data, resulting in improved decision-making by senior management.
  • Implemented data quality checks and established best practices for data management, resulting in a 30% reduction in errors and improved data integrity.
2015, Intership in satellite-based mapping solutions, DigitalGlobe




Spatial analysis
Data visualization
Geodatabase management
Remote sensing


2019, Remote Sensing and GIS for Ecologists, Books Expierence, 1234567890
2016, GIS Fundamentals for Basics, Books Expierence, 1234567890
O pozícií:

As a GIS Specialist, you will leverage your expertise in Geographic Information Systems (GIS) to analyze, manage, and interpret spatial data. Your role involves utilizing software tools to create maps, perform data analysis, and develop visualizations. You will collaborate with cross-functional teams to provide GIS support for various projects and contribute to decision-making processes. Strong knowledge of GIS software, data management, and spatial analysis techniques is essential in this role to effectively capture and communicate geospatial information for informed decision-making and planning.

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