Simple resume templates to simplify your job search.

Simplicity is key. Our simple resume templates are designed to impress, impact, and innovate your career to secure your desired job.

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What are simple resume templates?

Simple resume templates are clean, professional designs that focus on clarity and readability. Unlike many other templates, they avoid flashy colors or complex layouts, ensuring your life and qualifications are presented in a straightforward way. These templates are specifically designed to make the information on your resume easy to scan for both ATS software and recruiters alike.

With minimalistic elements and a traditional structure, simple resume templates prioritize content over aesthetics, making them a versatile option for any industry or career level.

When is it good to use simple resume templates?

Simple resume templates work best in situations where professionalism and simplicity are key. Here are a few scenarios where you might consider using these templates:

  • Corporate roles: Industries like finance, law, and healthcare often favor simple, traditional designs.

  • Entry-level positions: For students and recent graduates, simple templates offer a clean format to highlight potential and academic achievements.

  • Highly competitive jobs: When applying to roles with many candidates, simplicity ensures your resume is easily scannable for ATS systems and readable for human recruiters.

  • ATS-optimized applications: Simple templates are ATS-friendly by design, thanks to their clean structure and lack of unnecessary elements.

Every field can benefit from the way our templates are designed. Therefore, nothing can go wrong when you pick one of our simple ones. 

Who benefits the most from simple resume templates?

These resume templates are suitable for anyone, as they are crafted to suit everyone’s needs. For example:

  1. Students and entry-level applicants: The simple layout of our resume templates puts the focus on education, internships, and skills.
  2. Professionals in corporate or traditional industries: Clean designs are preferred in fields like administration, education, or healthcare.
  3. Applicants switching careers: The straightforward format makes it easy to emphasize transferable skills without distractions.
  4. International applicants: Our templates are designed to meet cultural expectations across global markets.

The key to success is simple, literally. You will find this success when you use one of our simple resume templates. 

How did we design simple resume templates to land jobs? 

At Kickresume, we didn’t just design our simple resume templates to look clean and polished; but most of all, we made sure they function flawlessly. Therefore we use:

  1. Strategic formatting. Each template includes clear sections, well-defined headers, and smart white space to make your resume easy to read at a glance.
  2. Professional fonts. The fonts we use were carefully chosen to balance modernity and professionalism.
  3. Customizable features. You can adjust colors, fonts, and layouts to match your personal preferences while keeping the overall simplicity intact.
  4. ATS optimization. By avoiding complicated graphic elements and focusing on clean formatting, our templates ensure compatibility with Applicant Tracking Systems.
  5. Universal appeal. The basic design makes these simple resume templates versatile for all industries and applicants.

The best resume templates are those that keep things straightforward—and that's exactly what our simple resume templates do. 

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Real resumes that did the job.

Get inspired by other people’s resumes to see how your design could look. These expertly crafted samples have helped real applicants land their dream jobs, and now it’s your turn to get creative.

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Designed by HR experts.

We create all our tools by teaming up with experienced HR pros. Their insights help us ensure you get the competitive edge you’re looking for.
HR expert
HR Consultant on the Project
Marta Říhová
Marta Říhová is a passionate HR enthusiast with over 10 years of experience in IT recruitment, working with both startups and major companies like SAP Signavio and MANN+HUMMEL. She founded Limetee to bring a fresh perspective to recruitment, leveraging her IT background and unique approach to hiring. Marta excels in using hard data, making her a strategic partner in HR. She starts where others stop in IT recruitment, making her a sought-after recruiter for the most challenging positions.

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Professional resume templates optimized for every profession.

We’ve got something for everyone. Whether you’re a carpenter or an investor, there’s a resume template just for you.
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Vzor pútavého životopisu, ktorý si ľahko stiahneš vo formáte PDF s pomocou Kickresume online nástroja
Vzor pútavého životopisu, s ktorým si vytvoríš svoje vlastné CV za pár minút
Vzor minimalistického životopisu dizajnovaného s ohľadom na dobrú čitateľnosť a čisté formátovanie

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AI (Re)Writer

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It’s all simple because we focus on what’s important. 

Sometimes, less really is more. In the world of resumes, simplicity often speaks louder than flashy designs. That’s exactly what our simple resume templates are all about. They focus on what truly matters: presenting your skills, experience, and accomplishments in a clean and professional way. So let’s explore why they work so well, what’s their magic, and who can benefit the most from using them.

Simple resume templates are suitable for every field. 

Our simple templates prioritize clarity and readability, making them a perfect choice for:

Traditional industries. Such as finance, healthcare, law, or education, where professionalism is key.

Entry-level roles. In case you’re just starting your career, a clean design will let you showcase your potential without overwhelming recruiters.

Bypassing ATS. If you’re applying for multiple positions, a simple resume template will ensure your application passes every ATS system efficiently.

Why do they work? Because what matters the most is right in the eye. 

Here’s the deal: recruiters spend an average of just 6 seconds looking at a resume before deciding whether to move forward. During those 6 seconds, a cluttered or overly complex design can work against you. Simple resume templates such as ours, on the other hand, eliminate distractions and keep the focus where it belongs—on your information.

If you’ve been asking how we make the resume templates so simple, yet functional…

…the answer is simple! (Pun intended). We’ve designed them with purpose and precision. Here are the features that make our simple resume templates so effective:

  • Readable fonts: We’re using modern and professional fonts that are a perfect balance between style and readability.

  • Strategic white spaces: Each template uses white space effectively to ensure your resume is easy to scan for ATS systems and doesn’t overwhelm the reader.

  • Clear headers: Because of that, the recruiters can find all the important information they’re looking for right off the bat—contact details, work experience, your skills…

  • Simple layouts: Clean sections, aligned text, and logical organization make your resume in combination with our templates look polished without unnecessary distractions.

  • ATS-friendly design: Probably the most important aspect of our templates. They’re specifically crafted with ATS systems in mind, so your resume gets seen by a real person.

All there's left for you to do is to fill in the template with your information, and you're good to go! 

Are simple resume templates what you’re really looking for?

In case you’re still unsure whether a simple resume template is the right pick for you, then the answer is simple—yes, as they are the best resume templates for every role. Let’s show you some real-life examples of who can benefit from this type of template.

  • Corporate professionals: Our templates are perfect for industries that value professionalism and structure, such as finance or administration.

  • Students and graduates: You’ll be able to highlight your education, internships, and potential without any graphical distractions and impress recruiters.

  • Job switchers: If you’re interested in transitioning to a new field, a simple resume template will help you showcase your transferable skills and focus your resume on the new role with ease.

  • International applicants: Our templates are designed so that we can ensure your resume meets worldwide standards and cultural expectations.

Creating a resume is just as the template itself—simple. So hesitate no longer and give it a try! Your career will appreciate it.  

A simple template, but a complex resume. 

The template itself is clean and straightforward, but in terms of the actual resume’s content, we’ll gladly give you some advice:

  1. Focus on the important. When writing a resume, use strong action verbs and quantify achievements wherever possible (e.g., “Increased team efficiency by 15%”).

  2. Tailor the resume to each position. The best thing you can do to optimize your resume is to adjust it to match the job description, emphasizing relevant skills and experiences.

  3. Keep it clean. Just like our templates are. Therefore, avoid overcrowding your resume. Let the designs of our resume templates guide the reader’s eye through your accomplishments.

  4. Proofread thoroughly. Mistakes can undermine even the most professional resume. If you’re not sure about its flawlessness, we offer professional proofreading services to make sure everything is as it’s supposed to be. 

For a more detailed explanation of this topic, feel free to read our thorough blog post. 

But first of all—Why should you choose Kickresume?

Over 6 million people used our platform to help them with landing a job…so they can’t be all wrong, right? We know what works and how to help you. That’s why our simple resume templates are:

  1. Customizable, so you can adjust fonts, colors, and layouts to fit your style or industry.
  2. Versatile, as they’re perfect for any role, from internships to executive positions.
  3. Can be downloaded in multiple formats. That way you’re able to save your resume as a PDF for consistency or a TXT file for quick edits.

We focused on many different aspects when designing these templates, but one thing is certain—a simple resume templates is the best resume template. 

Got everything you need to know? Then let’s jump right into it. 

Your resume doesn’t need bells and whistles to make an impact. With our simple resume templates, you can create a professional, ATS-friendly, and clean resume that’s tailored to your goals with ease. But don’t just take our word for it, experience it on your own, it’s really simple indeed.

Start creating your resume today and you’ll be able to land a job in no time.


Your frequently asked questions

Ak tu nenájdeš odpovede na svoje otázky, obráť sa na našu zákaznícku podporu. Radi ti pomôžu.

Is Kickresume free to use?

Yes, Kickresume offers a free plan that allows you to create and download resumes using basic features. The premium plan is available for access to advanced features and customization options.

Do simple resume templates work with ATS software?

Yes, all of Kickresume’s simple resume templates are ATS-friendly. Their clean design and consistent formatting ensure they pass applicant tracking systems with ease.

Can I create a matching cover letter with Kickresume?

Absolutely! Kickresume offers a Cover Letter Builder and AI Cover Letter Writer to help you craft a cover letter that complements your resume. You can choose from various templates designed to match your resume's style.

Does Kickresume offer any mobile applications?

Yes, Kickresume has a mobile app available for both iOS and Android devices. This app allows you to create and edit your resumes and cover letters on the go, with all your documents stored securely in the cloud.

Is Kickresume available in different languages?

Yes, Kickresume supports multiple languages, allowing you to create resumes tailored for international job applications. Simply change the language at the bottom of the website, and the platform will adapt accordingly.

Can I get career advice from Kickresume?

Yes, Kickresume offers a blog and Help Center filled with career tips, resume-writing guides, and job application advice to help you succeed.

Are there any discounts or promotions for Kickresume plans?

Yes, we oftentimes offer discounts and promotions for premium plans. Keep an eye on our website or subscribe to the newsletter for updates, so you don’t miss anything important and useful.


Simplicity in templates and job-hunting alike.

Landing your desired job with Kickresume is really as simple as our resume templates. Simply give it a shot and you’ll see.

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