5th Grade Teacher at Saint Paul Public Schools Cover Letter Sample

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5th Grade Teacher at Saint Paul Public Schools Cover Letter Sample (Full Text Version)

Linda Levine

Fifth Grade Teaching Position

“Education is not the learning of facts, but the training of the mind

to think.” -Albert Einstein

Dear Dr. Duke,

This statement reflects my philosophy about teaching and learning. According to the World Economic Forum's Global Challenge Insight Report, 65% of students entering grade school will be working in a job that does not exist. I have been passionate in my commitment to educate students for an unknown future with these three things: creating a collaborative learning environment in which students work together to solve complex problems, foster a language-rich classroom in which students engage in conversations using academic discourse and instilling a sense of confidence among all students using brain science and growth mindset activities. I have dedicated my career to each of these pursuits.

That’s why I was excited to see the posting on PeopleSoft for a fifth grade teacher at Saint Paul Public Schools. Saint Paul Public Schools have earned a positive reputation for achieving academic excellence and having strong family and community involvement. It would be an honor to teach your students and serve at a school that maintains high educational standards and goes beyond by enriching students' learning experience through innovative science opportunities and the arts.

My qualifications include 21 years of elementary teaching experience all in St. George Public Schools. I have worked under fantastic and talented professionals that have mentored and help shape the teacher I am today. Also, I have had the pleasure of being on teams that provide professional development in the areas of technology, math, and reflective practices.

In my most recent position as a 4th/5th teacher at Phalen Lake Hmong Studies Magnet, I have taught 4th and 5th grade curriculum and developed culturally relevant learning opportunities that build on students' cultural and linguistic strengths . I have created an effectively managed environment where students are the active stakeholders using Restorative Practice and the Courageous Conversations protocols. Finally, I work to balance a technology rich environment and intentionally planned unplugged activities both of which foster critical thinking and creativity in students. I am highly praised for my student-centered instructional delivery.

Although I greatly enjoy my tenure at Phalen Lake Hmong Studies, I am anticipating future changes in my position as our exciting Hmong Dual Language program continues to expand. I would be delighted to interview for one your school's fifth grade opportunities. Please feel free to contact me at 555-555-5555 or email hello@kickresume.com to set up a meeting.

Thank you for your interest and consideration. I look forward to hearing from you soon.


Linda Levine

Linda Levine
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