Aeromobil Design Engineer Resume Example

Hired by: Aeromobil

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Aeromobil Design Engineer Resume Example (Full Text Version)

Freddie Roach MSc

Address: 91501, Nové Mesto nad Váhom, Slovak Republic
Nationality: Slovakian
Date of birth: 1991-11-11
Phone number: contact hidden


10/2013 - present, Computation and design, Knobengines, Prague, Czech republic

Development of the prototype of unconventional internal combustion engine for use in ultralight aircrafts.

  • engine 3D model creation
  • manufacture documentation creation
  • engine balancing calculation
  • multibody simulation of engine assembly
  • basic structural FEM simulations of engine parts
  • patent creation and administration
  • ECU settings
  • testing of engine on test bench
  • analysis of tests and engine improvement solutions
  • manual work on engine parts and assembly
  • company presentation material creation
06/2011 - 09/2012, Projection draftsman, Hella sun and weather protection technology, Kuřim, Czech republic

Creating of technical documentation for implementation of products, making orders for manufacturing of products, practical experiences in workshop.

10/2010 - 05/2011, Worker in department of calibration, Media Efekt, Brno, Czech republic

Practical experiences in CNC workshop, such as calibration, measurement, and all kind of postprocesses.


09/2014 - 10/2015, Design of Vehicles (EMAE study program), ENSTA Bretagne, Brest, France
09/2013 - 10/2015, Design of Vehicles (EMAE study program), Czech Technical University in Prague, Czech republic
10/2010 - 06/2013, Machines and equipment construction, Technical University in Brno, Czech republic


Software skills
Microsoft Office
Matlab Simuling
Catia V5
Abaqus, ANSYS Workbench
GT Suite


Exploring distant lands
Getting lost in a good book
Capturing moments
Feeling the music
Every kind of sport
Position Overview:

Design Engineer

The primary responsibilities of Design Engineers are the research and design of a firm’s products and systems. To carry out these responsibilities, they perform many different tasks. Everything from drafting blueprints, creating prototypes, and overseeing the production process. They also carry out more logistical operations like estimating the cost of potential design and keeping it in line with the cost limits and budget of their employer. Cooperation with other engineers, management, and the creative department is also something they have to do every day. It is crucial they possess great creative thinking, as well as the ability to work with design software and multitasking while managing their time efficiently.

Company Overview:

A company from our native Slovakia, Aeromobil made waves on the interwebs a couple of years ago with their sleek concept of a flying car. Ever since they have been producing new concepts and models with the goal of eventually procuring a license to make the vehicle accessible to ordinary consumers. Working here is sure to make any engineer feel fulfilled and open doors full of opportunities for them. It is likely that as a company that is still on the rise as a “start-up” the working hours and compensation might not be as regular as in bigger firms, but we think this exciting idea is worth sacrificing a little comfort for.

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