Application Specialist Resume Example

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Application Specialist Resume Example
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Application Specialist Resume Example (Full Text Version)

Jana Porubská


  • Researcher of structural and publication data resulting in the development of insights and contribution to the quality of a molecular database
  • Scientific consultant of validation software for structural data
  • Assistant of the lead teacher of an introduction to programming in Python for scientific students


2021 - presence, Doctoral Researcher, CEITEC - Central European Institute of Technology, Brno, Czechia
  • Error-check and validation of structural and publication data with the goal of contributing to the quality of a molecular database
  • Teaching: Introduction to programming in Python
  • Mentoring younger bioinformatics students
2018 - 2019, Laboratory Technician, Czech Academy of Science, Brno, Czechia
  • Collecting and preparing samples for a biological library
  • Working with bioinformatics tools
  • Following laboratory protocols
  • Teaching students new laboratory techniques


2021, Doctor's Degree, Bioinformatics (current study), MUNI
  • Exploring quality trends of biomolecular structures and ligand factor relationships in the Protein Data Bank database
  • Member of Biological Data Management and Analysis Core Facility
2019 - 2022, Bachelor's degree, Bioinformatics, MUNI
  • Thesis: Validation of ring conformations in polycyclic molecules
2018 - 2021, Master's degree, Genomics and Proteomics, MUNI
  • Thesis: Involvement of the catalytic telomerase subunit in gene expression regulation
2014 - 2018, Bachelor's degree, Biochemistry, MUNI
  • Thesis: The role of phosphorylation and dephosforylation in regulation of telomerase activity


Computer skills
Microsoft Office


Attention to detail
Logical thinking
Love of learning
Problem solving
Results driven


Exploring and travelling
Learning and reading good book
Listening to music
Movie nights


Representative, NCBR - National Centre for Biomolecular Research, Brno, Česko
  • presenting the study program of Bioinformatics and its areas of interest to bring the field closer to future students and the public
  • consultations and mentorship for new students
  • participation in the Visitor's Day of Masaryk University, Open Day (Students to Students), Researchers' Night, and NCBR Happening
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