Enrolment Coordinator at Hult Resume Sample

Hired by: Hult

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Enrolment Coordinator at Hult Resume Sample (Full Text Version)

Adrien Aradi

Email address: hello@kickresume.com
Phone number: 555-555-5555

Work experience

07/2020 - 10/2020, Referencing Executive, Goodlord, London, United Kingdom

Experience / Skills

  • Referencing execution for thousands of tenants across the UK.
  • Working with Hundreds of UK agencies such as Foxtons & Life Residential.
  • Fully trained and experienced on Podio, Salesforce and other internal Goodlord Softwares.
  • Excellent Customer Service for Tenants and Residential & Employment Referees.
  • Fully trained and over 3 months of experience on detailed Equifax credit assessments, ID Verification, Employment and Income Assessments & Residential History checks.
  • Fully trained on assessing PAYE & Self-employment Incomes (through SA100/SA302) and familiar with all the UK rules and regulations regarding this.
  • Fully familiar with UK Data protection & GDPR rules.
  • Answering in-bound calls/chats from agents, prospective tenants and guarantors and assisting them in the referencing process.
05/2019 - 07/2020, Customer Service Adviser & Live Chat Operative, Kings College London Residences, London

Experience / Skills

  • Experience in delivering excellent Customer Service (via Live Chat or Face to Face
  • or Call Centre) and ability to handle multiple chats at once.
  • Excellent written and verbal communication skills.
  • Ability to maintain a level head during periods of high-volume contact.
  • Providing quick, effortless and exceptional service to our customers via Live Chat.
  • Handling multiple customers at one time.
  • Capable of working individually and as part of a team to promote a positive, cohesive and energetic working environment.
  • Ability to deliver brilliant service and turning around unhappy customers.
  • Take ownership of the overall experience and ultimate customer satisfaction on all interactions.


09/2018 - present, Biomedicine, King's College London, London, United Kingdom
09/2015 - 06/2017, A levels, Christ's College Finchley

A Levels, Biology, Chemistry, Maths and Persian.

2014 - 06/2015, GCSEs, ALNS Academy, Portsmouth
2013 - 2014, GCSEs (year 10), Stover School, Devon


Microsoft Excel
Adobe Photoshop
Sales Force
Passive Income


06/2016 - 08/2016, Volunteering (retail cashier), Oxfam, London

More than 100 hours of volunteering during summer for Oxfam Charity, Finchley


07/2014 - 07/2014, Temporary Office Assistant, Purple Door - University of Portsmouth, Portsmouth

2 weeks of volunteering at University of Portsmouth, Purple Door, as an Office Assistant to find suitable jobs for students.

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