Financial Accounting Intern Resume Sample

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Financial Accounting Intern Resume Sample (Full Text Version)

Kyle Bush

Address: 11999, 99999, Berlin, Germany
Nationality: Mexican
Date of birth: 1999-19-09
Phone: 999-999-999


Master student with strong financial reporting, controlling and auditing experience in the banking and telco sector. Strong working knowledge on Microsoft Office package (Powerpoint+Thinkcell, Excel)

Work experience

04/2018 - 10/2018, Intern Controlling and Performance Management Europe, Deutsche Telekom AG, Bonn, Germany
  • Provide intensive support to OTE Group (Greece, Romania and Albania) performance management team.
  • Supported in the design of a trends report, to measure and monitor financial and non-financial KPI’s for Telco Industry.
  • Assistance to the performance managers during the mid-term planning phase, end closing process and forecast analysis with operational work.
  • Collaboration on the preparation of regular Operating Companies (NatCo) visits, Business Reviews, Performance Touchpoints and Management Board meetings.
02/2016 - 09/2016, Financial Statements Sr. Auditor, Banorte Bank, Monterrey, Mexico
  • Review of various financial statements issued by the Financial Group and validation of their compliance with internal and external regulations.
08/2015 - 12/2015, Accounting Analyst, Joseph Duggan & Sons LTD, Bray, Ireland
  • Responsible for the capture and analysis of invoices, communication with suppliers and corroboration of monthly statements prior approving of their payments.
02/2014 - 09/2015, Assistant Sales And Marketing Manager, Language Academy Ireland, Bray, Ireland
  • Advertisement and admission of incoming students, coordination of activities and excursions of junior groups.
01/2013 - 10/2013, Budget And Financial Analyst, Banorte Bank, Monterrey, Mexico
  • Forecasting for assets recovery products for instance: Mortgage, Payroll, Automotive and Credit Card.
  • Generation of financial reporting on rebates granted by the bank.
03/2012 - 01/2013, Treasury Auditor, Banorte Bank, Monterrey, Mexico
  • Completed risk-oriented analysis, review and audited different areas within the bank to optimize business processes and compliance.


10/2016 - 02/2019 (Expected), M.A. International Business and Economics, Hochschule Schmalkalden, Germany

The goal of the study is to gain an understanding of the international aspects of management, marketing, strategy, finance and to apply this knowledge in analyzing international affairs.

11/2018 - 11/2018, Master of Finance, German-Kazahk University, Almaty, Kazakhstan

Master Exchange Program focused on Alternative Investments.

09/2017 - 01/2018, Masters of Economic Engineering, Vilniaus Gedimino Technikos Universitetas, Vilnius, Lithuania

Master Exchange Program

Exchange Program focused to deepen and broaden the understanding of advanced business and economics issues on an international level.

01/2009 - 05/2013, Bachelor of Finance, Universidad Regiomontana, Monterrey, Mexico

Degree of Finance with a concentration in accounting and economics.


MS Office
Power Point


Financial Markets
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