Intern at NBC Cover Letter Sample

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Intern at NBC Cover Letter Sample (Full Text Version)

Emma Smith

NBC Universal
26 April 2020
Application for the Universal Filmed Entertainment Group internship

Dear Hiring Manager,

Please except this letter as an application for the Universal Filmed Entertainment Group internship for the Fall 2019 semester. I heard about this opportunity through the NBCUniversal website. I am a junior at Hofstra University, going for a Bachelor of Science degree in Video/Television. My overall GPA is 3.85.

In my two years at Hofstra, I have taken every opportunity to gain experience that will prepare me for an internship with Universal. Beginning my freshman year, I was a crew member and was selected to join the writing staff for Thursday Nite Live, Hofstra's live hour-long sketch-comedy show. My hard work payed off and sophomore year I became the Associate Producer of TNL. I have also been selected to move up as the Executive Producer of TNL at the end of my junior year. Through my work on this show, I have learned a great deal about every moving part that goes into the production of a live comedy show.

I am also a staff writer and crew member for Hofstra Today, Hofstra's morning news show, and Two Weeks Notice, Hofstra's late-night talk show. In addition to keeping me up-to-date on current events, I believe writing for these shows would help me considerably as an intern with Universal, as I am able to write for many different mediums.

Outside of Hofstra's HEAT (Hofstra Entertainment Access Television) Network, I create written content for Her Campus, the #1 online college women's magazine.

It would be such a privilege to work for Universal Filmed Entertainment group. Many of my favorite films were made by Universal, including Despicable Me, How the Grinch Stole Christmas, E.T., Jurassic Park, and many more.

Creating and storytelling are my passions, and I believe I would be a positive addition to your team. I would love to discuss my qualifications with you further and why I deserve this incredible internship. I can be reached by phone at 555-555-5555, as well as by email at Thank you so much for your time and consideration.


Emma Smith

Emma Smith
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