Intern at People in Need Resume Sample

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Intern at People in Need Resume Sample (Full Text Version)

Emma Wall

Email address:
Phone number: 555-555-5555


2013 - 2017, MA Hons Social Anthropology, University of St Andrews, St Andrews, Scotland

Graduated with Honours of the Second Class Division 1 (2:1) in Social Anthropology. My academic interests included Anthropology of Religion, anthropological study of Sex and Gender, and a critical study of international development and humanitarian action.

Work Experience

11/2018 - present, Intern, Človek v Ohrození (People in Need), Bratislava, Slovakia

Working in the department of humanitarian and development aid. My tasks include researching project calls, evaluating and reporting of current projects in Lebanon, Albania, Moldova, and Cuba Areas of focus include education in refugee camps, engagement of civil societies, and human rights education.

08/2018 - 11/2018, Team Coordinator and Fundraiser, Pomáhame lidem na útěku, Bihac, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Served as a volunteer in refugee camps on the Croatian borders. I coordinated a team of volunteers and ensured cooperation with organizations in the field. I facilitated distributions in the camp, provided activities for children and youth. As a fundraiser I worked on securing funding and donations for the project's activities.

01/2018 - 06/2018, Volunteer Teacher, SB Overseas, Saida, Lebanon

Worked as an English teacher during a six month volunteering program in an education and empowerment center for Syrian refugees in Saida, Lebanon. Prepared classes and after-school activities for children. Led the role of a team leader for my group of volunteers in which I attended to volunteers' immediate needs and submitted regular reports for the management.

Gained experience with education in a challenging and volatile environment, and gained understanding of humanitarian action in the field.

Extracurricular activities

09/2015 - 09/2016, Society President, Czech and Slovak Society, St Andrews, Scotland

As a society president I was responsible for organizing community events the Czech Republic and Slovakia, and created room for students to discuss current events in an academic and international environment.




Action oriented
Public speaking
Working under pressure
Team leader


03/2018, Lebanon: Education and Empowerment to #givehope to Young Girls, Human Rights Without Frontiers

As a result of living in poor and unsafe conditions, the number of child marriages among Syrian refugees has been on the rise. This article looks at the issue of child brides from the perspective of a teacher and a psychologist who work in a refugee education center in Lebanon and whose students dropped out of school early due to marriage.

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