IT Assistant Resume Example

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IT Assistant Resume Example (Full Text Version)

Many Pacquinno

Phone number: contact hidden

Career Objective

A proactive and fast learning individual seeking the opportunity for professional experience in database that allows me to develop and expand my ability, knowledge, skills and experience to help the company achieve business goals while sticking to vision, mission and values.

Work experience

01/2018 - present, University of Technology Sydney (UTS), Notetaker
  • Providing comprehensive, legible notes to students regularly, in the manner agreed upon, within 24 hours
  • Providing academic assistance and resources to students who needs extra guidance
  • Maintaining student’s confidentiality at all times
  • Responding and resolving student concerns related to the subject and notes
05/2016 - 06/2016, Skyzer Technologies, IT Assistant
  • Configured hardware and drivers to ensure maximum performance on computers throughout the laboratory
  • Built and tested Uninterruptible Power source (UPS)
  • Tested and charged batteries
  • Prepared data spreadsheets, charts, graphs, and other documents as required
  • Assisted customers and addressed their requests
06/2015 - 07/2015, Hire Intelligence Sydney, IT Assistant
  • Configured hardware and software, set up peripherals such as printers and routers
  • Troubleshooted and fixed hardware or software issues
  • Assisted in preparing, maintaining, and upholding procedures for logging, reporting, and statistically monitoring PC performance
  • Accurately documented instances of hardware failure, repair, installation, and removal
  • Resolved customer problems promptly and accurately


03/2017 - present, University of Technology Sydney, Diploma in Professional Engineering

Bachelor of Engineering in Data Analytics

02/2012 - 11/2016, Arthur Phillip High School, Higher School Certificate

Volunteer / Community Work

01/2013 - present, BAPS Organisation, Youth group volunteer, Sydney
  • Presenting in front of assemblies
  • Leading teams to organize festival projects and programs
  • Attending national and international conventions in locations including Melbourne, India, and USA


Time management skills- Demonstrated by successfully leading teams to organize festival projects and programs for the BAPS Organisation

Communication skills - Expressed by prosperously interacting with customers and resolving their concerns for Skyzer Technologies and Hire Intelligence Sydney

Modeling skills - Manifested by auspiciously participating in festival, stage and temple decoration for the BAPS Organisation

Visualization skills - Established by triumphantly presenting data spreadsheets, charts, graphs, and other documents on sales for Skyzer Technologies

Computer Skills

Programming Languages
Software Packages
MS Office Suite
Adobe Dreamweaver CC
MathWorks MATLAB
Adobe Photoshop CC
Sony VEGAS Pro
Database Languages
Operating Systems

Certifications & Achievements

✔ Successfully completed Peer leadership training

✔ Certificate of achievement for 1st place in Mathematics General 2

✔ Certificate of achievement for VET Information and Digital Technology

✔ Certificate III in Information, Digital Media and Technology


Exploring distant lands
Getting lost in a good book
Capturing moments
Feeling the music
Every kind of sport
Company Overview:

Founded in 2008, Mozo is a free online service providing people with expert analysis and useful financial tips. Combining its award-winning, personalized comparison tools with customer ratings, the platform helps their customers make savvy money decisions and excel in maximizing their money.

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