Marketing Manager Cover Letter Example

Hired by: RS Express

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Marketing Manager Cover Letter Example (Full Text Version)

Sam Young

999 Franklin street, Brooklyn, NY, 99999

Dear Hiring Manager,

I am a native French speaker with a solid background in Project Management and Marketing. I am experienced and passionate in my field and would be thrilled to join the Marketing team at XXXXX. I would hereby like to apply for the XXXXXX position.

Currently I work at XXXXXX , an International Import-Export company, where I am the Head of the Marketing Department. My field of action is going from the administration of the database with Dynamics CRM, through all the operational marketing campaign. Part of my mission is to generate qualified leads for the sales department and I am also in charge of our Digital Marketing Strategy by running some PPC campaigns. The Website is under my supervision and developed with WordPress, I also monitor and analyze our website metrics with Google Analytics.

My past experience includes working as a Consultant / Project manager for "La Française des Jeux", the leading company in the French Gambling Industry. I was in charge of managing the deployment of the CRM Selligent. The project was run using a V-Model. I gathered and analyzed the user’s requirements, wrote and presented the specifications, supervised the integration, and made the test verification. This experience taught me how to be very organized and how to coordinate (and compromise) with the many stakeholders involved in the project both external and internal.

I also worked for an Insurance company named "Réunica", where my mission was to create all the marketing materials for the sales department including booklets, brochures, as well as manage the website. In particular, I was responsible for creating and pitching new marketing campaigns to the sales department based on my analysis of company’s results and trends. An important part of my mission at Reunica was the campaign administration in our CRM (Selligent). In addition, I created and managed the intranet website for the sales team at this company. From this project, I'm now proficient with Photoshop, Mocups, and Indesign. I believe my prior experience working in key marketing roles for multiple companies will enable me to play a valuable role for your company.

I have attached my resume, giving you an idea of my past achievements as well as my future potential for joining as a significant contributor. Additionally, I’m happy to provide references.

Thank you for taking the time to consider me as a candidate. I look forward to hearing back and potentially meeting you in person.


Sam Young

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