Mechanical Engineering Intern at TaylorMade Cover Letter Sample

Hired by: TaylorMade

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Mechanical Engineering Intern at TaylorMade Cover Letter Sample (Full Text Version)

Adam Bennett

November 10, 2020
2020 Internship Program Application

Dear Hiring Manager,

My name is Adam Bennett. I am a Junior in the Mechanical Engineering program at Clemson University and have a true passion for golf equipment design. Upon graduation in December of 2021, I will have attained a Bachelors of Science in Mechanical Engineering with a minor in Turf Grass Management.

My interest in golf originated at an early age when I began competing in junior golf tournaments. As I grew older and continued to hone my golfing skills, I began to focus more of my attention on the principles of physics and engineering and how they could play a vital role in game improvement and overall enjoyment in the game.

As I entered my program at Clemson and completed my courses, I have tried to apply the knowledge from the classroom to design ideas and principles in golf. This is likely the reason one of my favorite classes thus far has been the Soildworks CAD course. This past spring a family friend of mine who works in the golf industry recommended that I look into equipment design and gave me some contacts in the industry and since then I've been been focused on getting into that career.

I have just completed an internship with a small forensics engineering firm in Tampa where I learned about the engineering field as a whole. In the spring, I will be working in a Co-op position with Bridgestone Americas in La Vergne TN with a mechanical engineer mentor. I also plan on visiting Bridgestone's Golf Ball Manufacturing Plant in Atlanta. With this experience along with the skills I have acquired in my education and training, I believe my passion for both golf and engineering is perfect for a place like Callaway and working with a small team designing the most cutting edge golf equipment.

Something unique to me is that Clemson University

Accordingly, please see my resume and kindly let me know if we can discuss my qualifications in greater detail for the 2020 Summer Internship Program. I cannot wait to put all my knowledge and enthusiasm to work for Taylormade.

I look forward to hearing from you soon.


Adam Bennett

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