Natural Scientist Cover Letter Samples & Examples That Worked in 2025

How to write a cover letter for any Natural Scientist job? Craft the perfect cover letter with our professional examples and templates.
Nikoleta Kuhejda — PR & Content Manager
Nikoleta Kuhejda
PR & Content Manager
Last updated: Feb. 11, 2025
Average: 4.9 (198 votes)
Environmental Research Assistant Cover Letter
Created with Kickresume

Average: 4.9 (198 votes)

How to build an appealing natural scientist cover letter

Natural scientists work to understand the inner and outer workings of nature, from predicting weather patterns to studying the stars. Becoming a natural scientist takes years of specialized training and education, as well as an excellent cover letter that showcases your credentials.

In this guide, we discuss the 5 essential elements to include on your natural scientist cover letter. Continue reading to learn all about:

  • Creating a well-crafted natural scientist cover letter header and headline
  • Tailoring your natural scientist cover letter to specific employers
  • Crafting a compelling introduction for your natural scientist cover letter
  • Describing your best skills and achievements as a natural scientist
  • Concluding your natural scientist cover letter with a persuasive statement
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1. Create a well-crafted natural scientist cover letter header and headline

Every great natural science cover letter starts with a well-crafted cover letter header and cover letter headline. These elements give your cover letter a visual structure and help the employer to visually navigate the first half of the letter.

Starting with your cover letter header, this is where you will place your key identifying information, such as your name, professional title, and professional contact information.

Your header should also include a formal address for the company you are applying to.

Here is an example of a well-formatted natural scientist cover letter header

Nick Socks, Natural Scientist
(123) 456-7890 | |

To: Green Lab Research Center
Natural Science Department
1234 Street Address
Everglades City, FL 34139

Following your header and a few spaces past it is where you will place your cover letter headline.

A headline is similar to a title and should contain at least one relevant keyword, as well as an eye-catching adjective and/or verb.

Here is an example of a well-written natural scientist cover letter headline

My 3 Research Findings that Have Enhanced My Natural Science Knowledge & Can Benefit Your Lab

2. Tailor your natural scientist cover letter to specific employers

Whenever you write a cover letter as a natural scientist, it is crucial to tailor that letter to a specific employer. By doing so, you show the employer you have excellent attention to detail and make your cover letter stand out from competing job applicants.

Tailoring a cover letter is done by researching the employer, their company, and key facts that you can reference throughout your letter (such as company goals or projects that are relevant to your skills).

You should also take the time to figure out who at the company handles hiring processes and create a personalized greeting that addresses this person by name.

Here are 3 examples of personalized cover letter greetings

  • Dear Lab Supervisor Henry McDonald,
  • Dear Mr. Henry McDonald,
  • Dear Mr. Henry McDonald & the Natural Science Department,

3. Craft a compelling introduction for your natural scientist cover letter

A compelling introduction is an essential element for keeping an employer interested in what you have to say and convincing them right away that you are a qualified candidate for the job.

To write a compelling introduction, you should include:

  • A concise summary of your professional history
  • Any specialized areas of knowledge you possess in natural science
  • A brief statement on why you are enthusiastic about applying to this company

Remember to keep your introduction short, sweet, and packed with concise detail!

Here is an example of a compelling introduction from a natural scientist’s cover letter

Dear Lab Supervisor Henry McDonald,

I am a natural scientist with 6+ years of experience studying rain patterns in the western region of Asia. Given your institution’s current research on Asian climates, I believe my experience in this field can be of great benefit to your team.

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4. Describe your best skills and achievements as a natural scientist

After completing your introductory statement, the next key element to include in your cover letter is an in-depth discussion of your relevant skills and achievements.

Skills and achievements are important to describe in detail and with good contextual background, as they can help demonstrate to the employer:

  • Why you are a great fit for their company or institution
  • What real-life value you can bring to the table that can benefit their company or institution
  • What types of achievements you may be able to accomplish for the employer

Here are 6 natural scientist skills that are great to describe in a cover letter

  • Handling technical lab equipment
  • Conducting experiments
  • Gathering and analyzing data
  • Researching natural environments
  • Gathering and storing environmental samples
  • Collaborating with large scientific teams

Here is an example of how to describe an accomplishment in a natural scientist cover letter

As a natural scientist at [Former Employer], I led a project in partnership with local environmental authorities to create and maintain protected natural wetlands. This project resulted in a 55% decrease in flash flooding in the local area, as well as saving more than $700K annually on local property water damage costs.

5. Conclude your natural scientist cover letter with a persuasive statement

The last element to create for your natural scientist cover letter is a thoughtful and persuasive closing statement. In this conclusion, your main goals are to convince the employer to contact you promptly and to express your gratitude to them for reading your letter.

Always include a formal sign-off on any cover letter your write!

Here is an example of a great closing statement from a natural scientist cover letter

It brings me great joy and excitement to be considered for this position and I humbly extend my thanks for taking the time to review my letter. I hope to hear from you soon and am available to speak or meet any day of the week between the hours of 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. To best reach me, please give me a call at (123) 456-7890.

With Sincerity,

[Applicant Name]

If you have ever wondered how a cover letter differs from a resume, this article will tell you everything about the key differences between the two.

Science Career Outlook in 2025

Employment in Science is expected to grow faster than the average for all occupations from 2023 to 2033. (Source: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics)

Every year, about 148,400 science jobs are expected to open, primarily due to employment growth and the need to replace workers who retire.

Average US base salaries across popular Science roles:

  • Chemist: $82,208/year
  • Scientist: $97,828/year
  • Historian: $70,272/year
  • Research Scientist: $99,932/year
  • Research Assistant: $44,970/year
  • Meteorologist: $66,862/year
  • Biologist: $83,527/year
  • Physicist: $165,461/year
  • Mathematician: $108,979/year
  • Microbiologist: $75,976year
  • Environmental Scientist: $68,140/year
  • Data Scientist: $124,841/year

Salary estimates are based on data submitted anonymously to Indeed by individuals working in these roles, as well as information from past and present job postings on the platform over the last 36 months.

These numbers may vary based on location, company size, employment type, and experience level.

Overall, if you’re thinking about starting a career in Science—or you want to grow within the field—now is a great time to explore the opportunities the industry provides.

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A journalist by trade, a writer by fate. Nikoleta went from writing for media outlets to exploring the world of content creation with Kickresume and helping people get closer to the job of their dreams. Her insights and career guides have been published by The Female Lead, College Recruiter, and ISIC, among others. When she’s not writing or (enthusiastically) pestering people with questions, you can find her traveling or sipping on a cup of coffee.

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