Nau21 Software Engineer Resume Example

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Nau21 Software Engineer Resume Example (Full Text Version)

Lorenzo Conrad

Email address:
Phone number: 555-555-5555

Career objective

Blockchain Software Engineer seeking the next opportunity to continue developing Decentralized Applications (DApps). I am particularly interested in exploring new approaches concerning Blockchain, cryptocurrency, and smart contract security. I have experience in several Blockchain projects.

Professional Experience

11/2018 - present, Blockchain Software Engineer, Nau21, Porto, Portugal

Currently, I work at Nau21 - software for the future, a software development company with bold ideas that will change the world. I am developing the SIS^1 (Smart Insurance System with the focus on one-time insurance) with the aim of reducing fraud and the overall time and cost of insurance claims. It is built using modern Blockchain technologies such as Hyperledger Fabric and other centralized ones such as NodeJS/Express and MongoDB/CouchDB.

Working experience:

  • Backend: development of an innovative Blockchain solution with Hyperledger Fabric and Convector Framework followed by other centralized technologies
  • Frontend: ReactJS, React Native in addition to Ionic and Angular
  • Databases: CouchDB and MongoDB.

Student Experience

09/2017 - 11/2018, Master's Degree in Informatics Engineering, Specialization in Computer Systems - Student, Instituto Superior de Engenharia do Porto, Porto, Portugal

⁃ 1 year with Ethereum Development and DApp - Truffle Framework:

   • 1 year with Ethereum smart contracts development, including Unit Testing with Mocha and Chai

   • 1 year of intense study about Ethereum Design Patterns, including the Oracle and the Ownable ones

   • 2 months with the various Ethereum testnets: Ropsten and Rinkeby

   • 2 months with smart contract deployment

⁃ 1 year with ReactJS frontend development, including 1 month of unit testing

⁃ 1 year of frontend with Bootstrap, SASS, and HTML5

⁃ 2 years with Nodejs/Express. 


09/2011 - 06/2016, Informatics Engeineering (Bacherlor's Degree), Instituto Superior de Engenharia do Porto, Porto, Portugal

The Bachelor's degree in Informatics Engineering at the Instituto Superior de Engenharia do Porto was the first degree of its kind to be distinguished by the EUR-ACE quality certification.

It includes a wide array of different computing areas, such as:

  • Object oriented programming
  • Unit testing
  • Web development (full stack)
  • Linux system administration
  • Video game programming
  • Artificial intelligence.

The computing areas that interested me the most were:

  • Linux systems administration
  • Web development (full stack)
  • Object oriented programming.

In my final semester, I chose to work on completely different technologies for the final internship/project, Projeto/Estágio (PESTI). The project aimed at developing and documenting a web application, from scratch, in order to enable chemistry students at ISEP to visualize a chart of their experiments' data collected by multiple sensors attached to an Arduino board. In the course of this project, I had to learn more about:

  • Basic electronic circuits
  • Web development (full stack):

- PHP (Laravel Framework)

- JavaScript

- Bootstrap, CSS and HTML

  • Linux system administration
  • Networking
  • Web security.
09/2016 - 10/2018, Computer Systems (Master's Degree), Instituto Superior de Engenharia do Porto, Porto, Portugal

Due to my passion for backend programming, I enrolled in the Instituto Superior de Engenharia do Porto master's degree with a specialization in computer systems. During my first year, I learned the following new technologies:

  • Distributed computing with NodeJS/Express and the REST architectural pattern
  • Business Process Model and Notation (BPMN)
  • Erlang, Ada
  • Continuous delivery with Jenkins
  • Android programming
  • Business Intelligence.

In my second and final year, I decided to pursue the challenging area of cryptoccurency and Blockchain. Additionally, I have been required to design a Blockchain solution that had to comply with the new European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Following my adviser's suggestion, I chose Ethereum and its smart contracts for this task. After a short period of learning different frameworks to develop an Ethereum DApp, the Truffle Framework was chosen. This DApp, named DFiles, is essentially the file host service Dropbox, but using decentralized technologies such as Ethereum and IPFS, while complying with the GDPR. For instance, how can a DApp comply with the "right to erasure" and "right to rectification", if the Ethereum Blockchain is immutable?


Ethereum Smart Contracts
Hyperledger Fabric
Hyperledger Fabric Composer
Convector Framework
React Native
Oracle PL/SQL
Office Tools
Microsoft Word
Microsoft Excel
Microsoft Powerpoint




Listening to music


06/2009, B2 First, Cambridge Assessment English

Grade: C.

06/2011, C1 Advanced, Cambridge Assessment English

Grade: C.

05/2013, C2 Proficiency, Cambridge Assessment English

Grade: B.

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