Norwegian Cabin Crew Cover Letter Sample

Hired by: Norwegian

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Norwegian Cabin Crew Cover Letter Sample (Full Text Version)

Zayn Malik

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99/99 North Gyle Grove, Edinburgh, United Kingdom, 999999
Norwegian Recruitment Team
Cover Letter - Cabin Crew Long Haul B787, London Gatwick

I never settle!

As soon as I knew that Norwegian was currently hiring for Cabin Crew positions, I started building my application, I didin't want to lose this great opportunity of applying, in my opinion, to the top Low-Cost airline in the world! Since you are searching for Cabin Crew with experience, I’d like you to consider my application. I am open minded and capable of working in a big and diverse environment, with the enthusiasm and commitment that this lifestyle requires.

I'm currently working as Cabin Crew for Ryanair, based in the Edinburgh Airport. In all my previous jobs, I've dealt with people and always provided an incredibly good customer service. Good customer service is always my number one concern and I consider it an obligation in any of my jobs.

  • I worked in my City Hall tourism department with leading responsibilities. From guided tours through all the county, promoting our local products and monuments, to being responsible for the tourist office and for creating new experiences and events in order to promote our territory. My main goal was always customer satisfaction which always led to tourists to be interested enough to further discover our territory and history for themselves.
  • I also worked as a Sales Assistant, which meant that I had to put all my effort in providing the best shopping experience, working towards the customers needs (customer service as a primary concern).      
  • Had many jobs in various social events, working as a bartender, waiter or a host,
  • To sum it up, customer service has always been present in all my jobs. It’s what I love and will continue to do so.

Some of my competences: 

  1. custom relationship management,
  2. conflict and emergencies management,
  3. dealing with customers,
  4. communication,
  5. flexibility,

Beyond all my work experience, and no less important, it's all my non-professional experience. All my side projects, all the volunteering and all the organizations I've worked with (parties, local and youth ones) gave me an huge background providing me important tools to deal with every day life events and to be more capable of managing my own life, choices and my plans for the future.

Why me?

To learn constantly, to meet new people, new cultures and realities, to work in a diverse environment with a non-stop growing potencial, is the right place for me to be and work. In the end, all my past made me a more mature person and combining all my experience with the goals I want to achieve for the future, are the perfect match for me to become a Norwegian Cabin Crew. A company where I can deliver all my human qualities and my true self.I would welcome the chance to discuss all of this, making myself available for any kind of attempt of contact. I’m incredibly excited to send this to you and look forward to be part of your organization.


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