Pizza Maker Resume Example

Hired by: Genuine Pizza

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Pizza Maker Resume Example (Full Text Version)

Anthony Coffman

Email address:
Phone number: 555-555-5555


I am an experienced Pizza Maker with 15 years of fine dining, catering, and fast-food experience. As an Italian-American, pizza is my passion. I have extensive knowledge of dough making and pizza oven firing techniques, and enjoy experimenting with traditional and modern flavour combinations.

Work Experience

08/2017 - 01/2021, Prep Manager/Trainer, Newks Eatery, Greenwood, United States
  • Meticulously carried out daily prep (Cold Salads, Sauces, Grill, Slicing, Knife Work).
  • Prepared pizza dough and toppings; baked 700+ pizzas weekly in wood-fired oven.
  • Managed crew of 3-5 people per shift.
  • Kept daily logs, managed inventory, and ensured walk-in and freezer integrity.
05/2013 - 01/2016, Owner, ETC Webdesign and I.T. Consulting, Greenwood, United States
  • Side business to help restaurants to launch/upgrade their websites and design menus.
08/2010 - 01/2017, Kitchen Manager/Prep Manager, Bistro America, Greenwood, United States
05/2006 - 08/2010, Line Cook, Cibus Catering, Indianapolis, United States


09/2011 - 05/2015, Information Technology, Ivy Tech Community College, Columbus, United States

Associates Degree in Information Technology (Information Systems)

Technical Certificate in Help Desk (Customer Support)

Technical Certificate in Information Technology (Information Systems)


Tech Skills
Computer Knowledge
Microsoft Office
Adobe Creative Suite


Engaging personality
Learning Agility


Exploring distant lands
Pizza making
Position Overview:

Pizza Maker

Pizza is for many people, their most favorite dish. Hence, when making it, one has to get it right. That may not seem like a task that is hard to fulfill. After all, the most basic form of pizza requires 3-5 ingredients. While it may be true, that the recipe on its own is simple, the making of pizza requires the Pizza Maker to have the right manual skills for making sure they get all the niches of pizza making, of which there are a lot. They should also be individuals who are resilient and do not tire. Working in a restaurant industry can be very demanding, especially with a food that is as popular as pizza. There may be hours during which you cannot stop for breaks just because many people decided to go eat out. 

Company Overview:
Genuine Pizza

In a booming food industry, driven by social media posts about food and people constantly reviewing, recommending, and popularizing restaurants, genuine Pizza is a good place to be at. There is both tradition and innovation in how they approach their business. To make their food – especially pizza – they use honest ingredients for as best a gastronomic experience one could get and a modern website and social media presence to promote their food and services. Experienced cooks are sure to make the most “instagramable” pizzas for any customer, young or old. Anyone with a passion for cooking would love to work here, as they get both stability and recognition.

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