Project Manager Resume Sample

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Project Manager Resume Sample (Full Text Version)

Terry Crews PMP®

Address: Riyadh
Date of birth: 1989-06-18
Email address:
Phone number: 999-999-9999


Certified Project Management Professional (PMP®), with 4 years of experience focused on developing new business ideas and leading high-impact projects. Looking forward to apply my knowledge and experience in project management and learn new techniques.

Work experience

04/2017 - present, Senior Business Analyst, Takamol Holding, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
  • Leading a major project of over 70M budget that aims to reduce population displacement which impacted more than 7000 people.
  • Successfully saved 6% of the planned budget through revising critical aspects in the scope and contracts.
  • Supported the establishment of the Business Development department within the Unit by identifying and developing the detailed activities and process flow & interactions with other departments and units.
  • Completed business development/proposals for 7 projects which included (financial studies, feasibility studies, return of investments (ROI) and business models).
10/2015 - 04/2017, Business Analyst, Takamol Holding, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
  • Led a sub-project with over 4M budget and more than 20 people in the team.
  • Completed the project ahead of schedule and under budget.
  • Involved in enhancing and expanding one of the government projects which included (Developing Revenue Models, Interaction and Governance Model, Scope of Work and Service Provider Prequalification Process, and Identifying Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)).
05/2015 - 10/2015, Assistant Project Manager, Takamol Holding, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
  • Initiated the national program "Kawadir", by identifying the problem statement, and conducting situation analysis, then came up with solution options and recommendations.
08/2014 - 05/2015, Executive Assistant, Business Development, Takamol Holding, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia


Telework project, CEO, Takamol Holding

Recognition and award for successfully completing the project under budget and ahead of schedule.

Engagement with Taqat, VP of Client Engagment, Takamol Holding

Letter of recognition for successfully opening new channel of engagement with Taqat, which benefited the entire company.


03/2009 - 06/2014, Bachelor of Translation, English Language, King Saud University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

GPA: 4.37 out of 5


Project Management Professional (PMP®)


11/2016, Financial Analysis, Informa
04/2016, Foundations of Business Analysis, TwentyEighty Strategy Execution
09/2015, Professional Communication, Udemy
01/2015, How to be a Human Lie Detector, Udemy
08/2014, Advanced Problem Solving and Client Managment, RonaldBerger


Budget and cost estimations
WBS and planning
Business development skills
Effective communication
Position Overview:

Project Manager

A project manager is a professional who is in charge of planning and effective execution of a project. Project managers divide tasks and manage aspects such as the project scope and resources used in the project. Because of the wide set of skills and expertise they have, they can be some of the best-compensated people in a company – according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, average salaries of product managers come up to around $115,000.

Company Overview:
Takamol Holding

Takamol Holding is a Saudi Arabian company that strives to transform the Saudi labor market into a more competitive, innovative, and attractive one. It provides individuals with solutions that may aid them in finding the right childcare education, increase worker productivity via skills courses, improving the work environment, and much more. To be effective, the company has to keep finding new ways to help individuals who seek its services.

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