Quality Control Project Technician Cover Letter

Hired by: Beneo Food

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Quality Control Project Technician Cover Letter (Full Text Version)

Juliette Benici

Lovensveldstraat, Kessel-Lo, Belgium
Spontaneous application, Food Technologist

Dear Mrs Cnops,

after consulting with interest BENEO product portfolio on your website and finding out about your production plant in Wijgmaal, I decided to contact you to express my interest in joining your team as Food Technologist.

My name is Roberta Zucca, I am Italian but for the last two years and a half I've been living in Belgium, where I recently completed a Master in Food Technology, among the 4 best students of my course.

As you will learn from my CV, I have about one year and half experience in Food Research which I acquired during my bachelor and master thesis internships. During such research activities, my responsibilities included:

  • literature and patent review;
  • planning and execution of laboratory trials in agreement with GLP;
  • processing and statistical analysis of raw data;
  • interpretation and reporting of results.

This is what I am truly passionate about: looking for solutions to food quality- and/or safety-problems. Moreover, thanks to my background, I am a very versatile resource as I could cover roles in Quality Control, Production as well as in R&D in the food and bio-tech sector.

Owing to the daily contact and collaboration with people with diverse personal and professional background during my master studies and daily life, I also developed strong interpersonal skills that I believe could make of me a valuable technical salesperson, after appropriate training and knowledge of the product portfolio.

I hope you will find my profile of your interest and I'd be glad to discuss my value for your company with you in a meeting.

Kind regards,

Juliette Benici



Company Overview:
Beneo Food

If you want to work in an industry that is stable, food and nutrition processing is definitely and area in which to look for jobs. BENEO is part of the Südzucker Group – a leading food producer in Europe with operations in over 80 countries and 1000 employees. It focuses on creating food products and services which maintain people’s and animals’ ability to develop. Due to demographic predictions, the company is taking on the task to up their production while meeting sustainability goals. Workers are therefore exposed to a currently rapidly moving working environment, as reinvestments and company development are a daily phenomenon.

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