Research Assistant at University of Maryland Eastern Shore Resume Sample

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Research Assistant at University of Maryland Eastern Shore Resume Sample (Full Text Version)

Toby Cooper

Email address:
Phone number: 555-555-5555


Dedicated Research Assistant with exceptional analytical skills and the important ability to think critically. Ph.D. student at the University of Maryland Eastern Shore offering a pro-active approach and determination to achieve extraordinary results.


08/2015 - present, Ph.D. Pharmaceutical Sciences and Clinical Pharmacology, University of Maryland Eastern Shore, The School of Pharmacy and Health Professions, Maryland, USA

Dissertation: Non-ionic surfactant based nanovesicle (Niosome) formulations of small molecule drugs for controlled release.

Expected Graduation Date: November 2020

08/2011 - 10/2012, MSc in Drug Delivery, University College London (UCL) School of Pharmacy, London, United Kingdom

Thesis: Validation of in vitro permeation studies using flow-through diffusion cells.

09/2005 - 08/2010, B.S Pharmacy, October University for Modern Sciences and Arts, The School of Pharmacy, Cairo, Egypt

Thesis: Simultaneous Determination of Diloxanide Furoate, Mebeverine Hydrochloride, and Metronidazole in Dimetrol® Tablets by First Derivative Spectrophotometric Method.

09/2005 - 08/2010, B.S Pharmacy, University of Greenwich, Greenwich, United Kingdom

B.S Pharmacy from Greenwich University (Validation for a joint program between October University for Modern Sciences and Arts University in Egypt and Greenwich in the U.K. 

Professional work experience

08/2015 - present, Graduate Teaching and Research Assistant, University of Maryland Eastern Shore, The School of Pharmacy and Health Professions
  • Mentoring the Drug Discovery and Biomedical Research Training Program for Under-served Minority Youth, Grant Number: 1R25GM129809-01A1.
  • Teaching PSGP 601: Responsible conduct of research & ethics for Pharmaceutical Sciences graduate students.
  • Teaching PHAR 530: Pharmaceutics and Biopharmaceutics labs for PharmD students.
  • Teaching PHAR 630: Sterile Products for PharmD students.
  • Led development and optimization of nanoparticle therapeutic formulations for controlled release for small molecule drugs.
  • Performed analytical method development for small molecules using analytical tools, including but not limited to, HPLC (method development, operation and maintenance), UV-VIS, fluorescence spectrometers, LC/MS etc.
  • Developed assays to assess the stability and storage of therapeutic nanoparticles formulations.
  • Executed in-house assay characterization and optimization studies.
09/2015 - 05/2016, Maryland Strategic Prevention Framework, Program Evaluator
  • Developed the Needs Assessment, Strategic and Evaluation Plan for Worcester, and Kent County.
  • Used statistical methods to analyze data and generate outcome reports.
  • Worked with Prevention Supervisors to outline the specific data needs for community based strategies on Underage/Binge drinking.
  • Monitored and analyzed collected data through data mining, including sorting, querying, statistical analysis, trend analysis, and propensity score matching.
09/2015 - 05/2016, Opioid Misuse Prevention, Program Evaluator
  • Developed the Needs Assessment, Strategic and Evaluation Plan for Dorchester, Caroline, Talbot, Queen Anne, and Kent Counties.
  • Created program specific logic model, data collection protocol and instrumentation to conduct project/program evaluation and capacity building,
  • Assisted the coalition in the development of a local strategic plan outlining the results of the needs assessment.
  • Assisted community coalition members in interpreting and understanding assessment results.
08/2015 - 06/2016, Adjunct Lecturer, University of Maryland Eastern Shore, The School of Natural Sciences
  • Taught (CHEM 111) Principles of Chemistry I.
  • Ensured that students have a clear understanding of the concepts taught in the course.
  • Evaluated and graded examinations, assignments, or papers, and record grades.
03/2013 - 08/2015, Lecturer Assistant, October University for Modern Sciences and Arts, The School of Pharmacy, Egypt

Taught the following modules:

  • PT 102: Physical Pharmacy
  • PT 211: Pharmaceutical Dosage forms I
  • PT 212: Pharmaceutical Dosage forms II
  • PT 313: Pharmaceutical Dosage forms III
  • PT 311: Industrial Pharmacy
  • PT 302: Biopharmaceutics and Pharmacokinetics
  • PL 401: Clinical Pharmacokinetics
  • PC 522: Quality Assurance
  • PT 414: Cosmetics and toiletry formulation beauty aid and make up
  • PT 515: Drug Delivery Systems

Created the "Medicines for Children" module to address the issues surrounding clinical trials in children and drug licensing that led to a lack of pediatric formulation development.

Mentored and supervised graduation projects for pharmacy students

  • Formulation and evaluation of topical nano-particles preparation.
  • Lipid-based nano-systems for lymphatic targeting.
09/2010 - 08/2011, Teaching Assistant, October University for Modern Sciences and Arts, The School of Dentistry, Egypt
  • Taught the biochemistry lab module.
  • Prepared materials needed for classes.
  • Taught extra tutorials for students after school hours.

Posters and Presentations

2018, Niosome formulations of small molecule drugs for controlled release, American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists (AAPS)

Speaker and poster presenter at the AAPS PharmSci Annual Conference.

2017, Development of a novel approach for enhanced drug delivery to brain metastasis of cancer, University of Maryland Eastern Shore (8th) Annual Regional Research Symposium)

Speaker and poster presenter at the UMES 8th Annual Regional Research Symposium.

Completed Research

Development and physicochemical characterization of Niosome encapsulated small molecule drugs for controlled release
In Vitro Evaluation of Niosomal Formulation for Controlled Delivery of Doxorubicin
Validation of In Vitro permeation studies using Flow-through Diffusion Cells
Development and evaluation of solid lipid nanoparticles for lymphatic targeting
Formulation and evaluation of topical nano-particles preparation

Current Research

In Vivo biodistribution studies of non-ionic surfactant based nano-vesicles in Zebrafish Danio Rerio model

Academic Awards

2016, Opioid Misuse Prevention Program Scholarship, Dorchester County Health Department
2015, Maryland Strategic Prevention Program Scholarship, Kent County Health Department
2015, Maryland Strategic Prevention Program Scholarship, Worcester County Health Department
2015, Health Enterprise Zone Scholarship, Dorchester County Health Department
2006, Egyptian Pharmaceutical Student’s Federation Award

Winner of the 10th conference of the Egyptian Pharmaceutical Student’s Federation (EPSF) ‘For a Better Lifestyle’


Software Packages
Adobe Creative Cloud
GraphPad Prism 8 Statistics
Minitab Statistics
Web Development WordPress
Laboratory Skills
High-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC)
UV-Vis Spectrophotometry
Zetasizer | Malvern Panalytical‎
Scanning Electron Microscope
Practice sterile techniques
Cell and Tissue culture
In vivo Zebrafish


07/2010 - 08/2010, Quality Control and Quality Assurance, AstraZeneca Pharmaceuticals, Egypt
06/2009 - 08/2009, Medical Representative, Novartis Pharmaceuticals, Egypt

Workshops & Training Courses

2019, The 4-H Way: Learn By Doing Experiential Learning & Mentoring Youth, Science Education Partnership Award (NIH)
2018, An introduction Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) workshop, NanoCenter, University of Maryland
2017, Advanced Statistical Analysis in MS Excel/Stata, University of Maryland Eastern Shore, School of Business & Technology
2016, Enabling the Development of Oral THerapeutics with Innovations in Lipid Formulation Technologies, American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists (AAPS) Workshop
2011, Statistical Package for the Social Sciences, October University for Modern Science and Arts


2019, Judge, University of Maryland Eastern Shore (10th) Annual Regional Research Symposium

Evaluated poster and presentations for the Annual Regional Research Symposium at University of Maryland Eastern Shore.

05/2008 - 12/2008, Sales Team leader, October University for Modern Sciences and Arts
  • Helped in making the first employment fair for the University
  • Helped students to network and apply for internships
  • Trained and coached students to enhance their presentation skills
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