University of Massachusetts Boston Intern Cover Letter Example

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University of Massachusetts Boston Intern Cover Letter Example (Full Text Version)

Heidi Pearce

The University of Massachusetts Boston
Boston, MA, United States
Application for the Position of Intern

Dear Internship Coordinator,

As a third year Bachelor of Environmental and Political Science student here at the university, I apply within enthusiasm for the internship program within the Department of Environmental Studies. My intimate knowledge of the university, as well as my excellent grades and previous internship experiences, make me a strong candidate for this program.

A review of my qualifications and extracurricular activities will showcase years of active commitment to environmental justice, sustainability, environmental policy, research, and fieldwork. Select highlights that demonstrate my aptitude include:

  • Selected as a Doris Duke Conservation Scholar (University of Michigan): conducted research under the supervision of Dr. Paige Fischer on the Northwood Forest Region and Climate Change Beliefs
  • Presented my research at: Marine Science Symposium at Northeastern University (The Effects of Turbidity in Lynn), 2019 DDCSP University of Michigan Capstone Symposium (Private Landowners in Northwoods and Their Beliefs on Climate Change), 6th Annual Environmental Research Colloquium at The University of Massachusetts - Boston (Environmental Injustice in Chelsea, MA)
  • Experienced in Phase I ESA Assessments, Mass GIS, topography, Stata, NVivo, Microsoft Office Suite
  • Familiar with Policy Analysis, Environmental Policy, and Environmental Justice
  • Certifications: OSHA 40 Hour HAZWOPER, OSHA 10 Hour General Safety, Confined Space Entry
  • Fluent in French and Haitian Creole

This internship would be an incredible opportunity to explore about how sustainability can be bettered within marginalized communities. I also hope to learn how to bridge the gap between racial, ethnic, and economically-marginalized communities that are often left out of climate change plans. I also would like to see how investing in those communities may alleviate various environmental issues and ensure all children have the right to live in an environmentally safe place, regardless of their background.

Please find attached my resume, transcripts, references, and certifications for your review. Thank you very much for your time. I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours faithfully,

Heidi Pearce

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