Mining Engineer Resume Sample

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Mining Engineer Resume Sample (Full Text Version)

Harvey Weinstein

Address: Jalan Cisitu 888, 99999, Bandung, Indonesia
Nationality: Spanish
Date of birth: 1998-19-09
Email address:
Phone number: +999 999 999


I am a student of Mining engineering, one of major in mining and petroleum faculty of Institute Technology Bandung who able to use own initiative and work as part of a team. A highly motivated young man that thirst to learn and have strong commitment to improve my skills. I never take the easy way out and always put my best effort in every single thing.

Work experience

06/2016 - present, RnD Assistant, UPT Asrama ITB, Bandung, Indonesia

UPT Asrama ITB is one of the organisation under ITB administration. Asrama ITB is a residence facility dedicated exclusively for scholar's student of BIDIK MISI . Not only the physical facilities granted but character education facilities can also be obtained during the stay in the dormitory .

07/2015 - present, Assistant, Laboratorium Fisika Dasar, Bandung, Indonesia

LFD is Laboratory under the faculty of mathematics and natural science institutes of technology Bandung that serves the physic's practical for ITB new students and also serve practicum for students from other institutions based on existing regulations

08/2016 - present, Protokoler ITB, HUMAS ITB, Bandung, Indonesia

ITB Protocol Team is a unit under the directorate of public relations and alumni led directly by the vice rector office of communications, partnership, and alumni. They should take care of several important events such as visits of presidents, important guests, and graduation days.

07/2017 - 08/2017, Internship, PT ARUTMIN INDONESIA, Batulicin, Indonesia

Learning the process of mining through the real life.


06/2011 - 06/2014, Science, SMA Negeri Sumatera Selatan, Palembang, Indonesia

Finished with an award : Outstanding Student of the Year

06/2014 - present, Mining Engineering, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Bandung, Indonesia

Faculty of Mining and Petroleum Engineering | GPA 3.52 | 162 Credits


Microsoft Office
Adobe Photoshop


Leadership - 90%
Public Speaking - 85%
Presentation - 85%
Secretary - 85%
Research - 90%


2017 | Juara 1 Scientific Writing Competition in Indonesian Scientific Competition, Madura, Indonesia

2017 | Piala Tetap Rektor UNNES for Pekan Ilmiah Fisika UNNES XXVIII, Science Category, Semarang Indonesia

2016 | Juara 4 Scientific Writing Competition held by PT Pertamina in Renewable energy research area

2016 | Finalist of Scientific Paper OSN Pertamina in Jakarta, Indonesia

2015 | Best Scientific Poster of OSN Pertamina in Bandung, Indonesia

2014 | Best Paper of International Competition and Assesment for Asean Student in Yogyakarta, Indonesia

2014 | Delegates of Indonesian Fealac Youth Conference held By Ministry of Youth and Sport RI

2013 | Silver Medalist of Scientifc writing Competition in Environmental research area in Genius Olympiad, USA

2013 | Bronze Medalist of Scientific Writing Competition in Biochemistry research area in Mostratech, Brazil

2013 | SIlver Medalist of Indonesian Science Project Olympiad in Biology Research area in Jakarta, Indonesia


07/2015 - present, Human Research Development Department, HMT ITB, Bandung, Indonesia

HMT ITB is a student organization under the mining engineering major in Institut Teknologi Bandung. I had a role to run the function of Human Research Development Department as a media to control the programme in each department run based on the track.

06/2015 - present, Secretary, UPT Asrama ITB, Bandung, Indonesia

UPT Asrama ITB is one of the organisation under ITB administration. I had a role to run the function of Secretary as a media to manage all administration in Asrama ITB

08/2016 - present, Protocoler Team, HUMAS ITB, Bandung, Indonesia

ITB Protocol Team is a unit under the directorate of public relations and alumni led directly by the vice rector office of communications, partnership, and alumni. They should take care of several important events such as visits of presidents, important guests, and graduation days.


05/2013, Scientific Paper, Genius Olympiad, USA


10/2013, Scientific Paper, Mostratech Olmpiad, Brazil


11/2016, Scientific Paper, Mine Space, UNHAS

ZIONCE (Zeolit Ion Exchange) : Media Destilasi Air Garam menjadi Air Tawar dengan Metode Ion Exchange Untuk Pemenuhan Air Bersih Bagi Masyarakat Pesisir Pantai

12/2016, Scientific Paper, PT Pertamina

ECOHATOR (Eco-Heat Electric Generator) : Alat Pengubah Limbah Panas Pada Mesin Kapal Nelayan Menjadi Listrik Melalui Seeback Effect Untuk Penerangan Lokal di Kapal Nelayan


Public Speaking
Position Overview:

Mining Engineer

A Mining Engineer is responsible for designing, constructing, and operating mine workings to extract earth material used in further construction, manufacturing, or energy production. Their work varies substantially based on the material being mined and stage of a mining operation currently underway. Their responsibilities may include exploring proposed mining sites and carrying feasibility studies, conducting test drilling, using software to design underground and surface workings, and looking at different methods of mining to improve a mine’s running. The job may require exposure to a reasonable degree of danger, which is reflected in a relatively high compensation. Technical skills, as well as physical endurance, are valuable assets.

Company Overview:

Sinarmas is one of the largest conglomerates in Indonesia. It controls a number of subsidiaries including Asia Pulp & Paper and PT SMART. Its businesses operate in a multitude of different sectors like real estate, finance, agribusiness, telecommunications, and mining. The company, due to its sheer size is able to pick up many qualified and genuinely nice co-workers, which helps build a supportive work environment. It also provides employees with a lot of cash allowances, making their lives a little easier. However, a side-effect of the big size is a lot of bureaucracy and slow decision-making at the management level, resulting in possible hurdles at lower levels.

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