Social Studies Teacher Resume Sample

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Social Studies Teacher Resume Sample (Full Text Version)

Tilman Fertitta

Address: 99999, Boston, USA
Date of birth: 1965-11-20
Email address:
Phone number: 999-999-999


Committed secondary educator with a demonstrated track record of facilitating student achievement, fostering strong relationships with parents and community members, and providing mentorship to colleagues. Seeking to leverage expertise in academic credit recovery programs to drive impactful educational outcomes.

Work experience

08/1992 - present, Language Arts, Journalism, Social Studies teacher, Lordsburg Municipal Schools, Lordsburg, NM, USA
  • Facilitated college and career readiness for 9th-12th grade students
  • Managed school newspaper and yearbook
  • Instructed English IV, Journalism, Government, World History, New Mexico History, and Photo Journalism
  • Supervised credit recovery program
05/1987 - 08/1989, Russian Linguist, U.S. Army, Millitary Intelligence Batallion, Darmstadt/Weisbaden, Germany
  • Gathered, transcribed, and reported Russian communications in tactical and strategic settings.
01/1983 - 07/1985, Videographer/Technical Producer/Editor, KTVS, Sterling, CO, USA
  • Produced and edited news and commercial content
  • Operated video and audio switching consoles for newscasts
  • Created and managed a weekly half-hour community service program.


08/1989 - 08/1992, History/Secondary Education, Western New Mexico University, Silver City, NM, USA
  • Successfully completed all state-mandated requirements for teaching certification in Language Arts and Social Studies in New Mexico.
  • Demonstrated proficiency in meeting and exceeding standards set forth by the state for certification in Language Arts and Social Studies.
12/1985 - 12/1986, Russian, Defense Language Institute, Monterey, CA, USA
  • Completed an intensive Basic Russian Language course with a focus on grammar, vocabulary, and conversational skills.
  • Demonstrated proficiency in reading, writing, and speaking the Russian language through various assessments and exercises.
  • Utilized immersive techniques to enhance language acquisition and retention.
09/1981 - 06/1983, Mass Communication, University of Denver, Denver, CO, USA
  • Achieved a Bachelor of Arts in Mass Communication with a minor in French
  • Demonstrated proficiency in communication skills through coursework and projects
  • Applied knowledge of media theory and practices in various settings
  • Successfully completed coursework in media production, journalism, and public relations.


Computer Skills
MS Office
Adobe Photoshop
Adobe Lightspeed
Adobe InDesign

Cognitive traits

Emotional traits

Social traits

Cognitive traits

Emotional traits

Social traits

Position Overview:

Social Studies Teacher

Teaching is probably one of the most important and noble professions any person could hope to do. It could be argued that this is especially the case for Social Studies teachers, as they are the ones who will shape how people view morality, their society, and the institutional systems which surround it. All of this is crucial to maintain the high standard of democracy and respect for human rights which most people have come to enjoy. The best teachers are kind, empathetic, and disciplined individuals who love young people. Moreover, expertise and creativity are becoming especially important traits in this profession as digitalization has been proven to be taking over this area too.

Milan’s work-life has been centered around job search for the past three years. He is a Certified Professional Résumé Writer (CPRW™) as well as an active member of the Professional Association of Résumé Writers & Careers Coaches (PARWCC™). Milan holds a record for creating the most career document samples for our help center – until today, he has written more than 500 resumes and cover letters for positions across various industries. On top of that, Milan has completed studies at multiple well-known institutions, including Harvard University, University of Glasgow, and Frankfurt School of Finance and Management.

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