BMI Group Executive Assistant Resume Example

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BMI Group Executive Assistant Resume Example (Full Text Version)

John H. Patterson

Address: Byglandsgad, 2300, Copenhagen, Denmark
Nationality: Danish
Date of birth: 1990-11-14
Email address:
Phone number: contact hidden


I spent my time in an international environment working on projects as project leader, social media manager and more. I have generally worked as an organizer who manages all the different interest of the organization. Moreover, I am experienced within the Danish financial industries, as I have spent years in Nykredit in an administrative role. 

I have an interest in disrupted markets and generally, impacts of new technologies and products. As a consequence, I spent time researching different technologies that will change our world and wrote my thesis on this subject at Copenhagen University. 

I am motivated by the results and seeing projects being transformed from ideas to reality is what I am burning for. Furthermore, I am always looking for new opportunities and thrive in changing environments.

Work experience

02/2015 - present, Student Financial Assistant, Nykredit, Copenhagen, Denmark

Daily administration of loans, bookkeeping, ad hoc and more. Responsibility for communication between customers, advisors lawyers and other stakeholders as well as more general tasks within the financial Industries.

Nykredit was founded by homeowners – for homeowners – with the clear objective to make it possible for all Danes to own their own home. We are a customer-driven financial mutual – and have been for more than 160 years.

01/2016 - present, Project Leader, CBS Collection, Copenhagen, Denmark

Marketing and Sales activities of CBS Collection, the official clothing line of CBS, incl. strategic decision-making power

Tasks included: managing the marketing team, structuring processes at CBS Collection, developing and implementing a marketing strategy, defining a brand strategy, optimising sales activities.

06/2013 - 01/2016, Organiser, CBS Students, Copenhagen, Denmark

I have been an active member of the vivid life on CBS by arranging different events ranging from career day to a dinner for the Danish royal family. Furthermore, I have for many years been part of the international crew and work with hundreds of nationalities.

04/2011 - 12/2012, Phoner, Voxmeter, Copenhagen, Denmark

I worked as a Phoner in a call center, worked with leads and cold leads


08/2015 - 10/2017, Master’s Degree M.Sc. Economics and Business Administration, Copenhagen Business School, 2300, Denmark

Strategic Market Creation (SMC) has a clear marketing perspective when dealing with entrepreneurship, innovation, and branding. Thus, the focus is on SMC literature and project assignments, oriented on products, brands and/or business model innovation to design a unique, convincing and appealing customer value proposition.

08/2012 - 07/2015, Bachelor's degree, Economics and Business administration, Copenhagen Business School, Copenhagen, Denmark

HA is about the business and its economy - especially how you can generate financial resources and improve your company's financial performance. Education is in depth with all key issues and issues in business economics. It teaches how a company lives and breathes, how it connects, and how it drives. It deals with the company's environment and what impact it has on the company. Finally, it involves. In short, working on HA with all the parts of a company's economy, including relationships between employees, impact from the outside world and the company's ability to generate profits.

08/2016 - 01/2017, Minor in Big data, Copenhagen Business School, København, Denmark

The focus of the minor is on data in business in general and strategic, innovative, collaborative, communicative, analytical, governance and regulatory aspects of data usage in business settings. As such, the minor is interdisciplinary with topics drawn from digital economy, computational social science, innovation, communication, governance, regulation, and business analytics.

08/2014 - 12/2014, Bachelor in Businessadministration, Oregon State University, Corvallis, USA

Oregon State is an international public research university located in Corvallis, one of the safest, smartest, greenest small cities in the nation.

Founded in 1868, Oregon State is the state’s Land Grant university and is one of only two universities in the U.S. to have Sea Grant, Space Grant and Sun Grant designations as well.




08/2013 - 11/2017, Member of the CBS Exchange Crew, CBS Exchange Crew, Copenhagen, Denmark

The Exchange Crew consists of 40-45 volunteers from CBS, representing different study programs and nationalities. The role of the Exchange Crew is to help with the planning and execution of the two introduction weeks and the various semester activities for incoming exchange students from around the world.

08/2015 - 04/2016, Copenhagen Business School, CBS Buddy program, Copenhagen, Denmark

Each semester a few experienced “CBS buddies” are appointed Buddy Ambassadors by the CBS Buddy Coordinators. The Buddy ambassadors are helping out the CBS Buddy Coordinators in case of any emergencies with the main one being CBS buddies not living up to the minimum requirement of arranging pickup for their assigned students in the airport.


Exploring distant lands
Getting lost in a good book
Capturing moments
Feeling the music
Every kind of sport

Cognitive traits

Planning Speed - 91%
Distraction - Freedom from Distraction (Speed) - 79%
Flexibility in Multitasking - 73%

Emotional traits

Social traits

Altruism Preference - 100%
Learning from Mistakes Well - 89%
Risk Learning from High Risks - 74%
Position Overview:

Executive Assistant

An Executive Assistant manages mostly business-related tasks for the executive team, such as creating reports, logistics around travel and accommodation, taking minutes, and other tasks. Assistants also answer phones, route calls to the correct person, and take messages. They can also be tasked with preparing rooms for meetings and perform office duties like ordering stationery supplies. To fulfill these roles properly, one should have a detailed understanding of office software, be a fast problem-solver, and have some past executive or administration assistant experience.

Company Overview:
BMI Group

BMI Group belongs to the group of Standard Industries companies, which includes some of the leading manufacturers for roofing and waterproofing solutions in North America. The company has a rich history of providing clients with rooting and waterproofing excellence by bringing together the best firms in the industry. Due to a highly structured set up, the company can seem to be quite “top heavy” once you start working there. We think, however, that a great workplace atmosphere in which it is incredibly easy to find friends, have flexible working hours, and find opportunities to capitalize, can easily outweigh the structural issues workers might encounter.

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