BNP Paribas Senior Officer CV Example

Hired by: BNP

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BNP Paribas Senior Officer CV Example (Full Text Version)

Lucia Nishikori

Address: Chitlapakkam, 9999, Chennai
Date of birth: 1993-11-11
Email address:
Phone number: +999-999-9911

Professional summary

Experienced and motivated Reconciliation Specialist, utilizes exceptional investigating skills to identify discrepancies and resolve them. Has excellent analytical and accounting abilities. Has a master degree in business administration in Finance and more than 3 years of Risk and control specialization.

Area of Interest

Account Maintenance
Risk and Control
Capitial Market
Financial Reporting

Work experience

09/2014 - present, Senior Executive, Citi corp services India ltd - Risk & Control team, Chennai, India
  • Investigate on Inactive or Unknown custodian account which does not feed into reconciliation tool (TLM).
  • Review Unknown accounts with high USD value exposure and arrange for quick account set up to reduce client money risk.
  • Continuous screening of incoming unknown accounts to identify if any wrong account statement has been sent for reconciliation by external agent banks and prevent from CASS impact.
  • Performing the daily reconciliations in TLM between firm side and agent side.
  • Performing Matching and Allocation in TLM and Recon portal application for Custodian & Issuer and Direct Custodian clearing.
  • Investigating the proof breaks and contacting the responsible agents for missing transaction as per balance change.
  • Uploading the balances/transactions from swift files to system, which missed out from auto upload.
  • Escalating the feed issues to technology, agent and settlement teams to ensure the positions are matching.
  • Performing De-match function for the transactions which got wrongly matched by system or user post necessary investigation.
  • Investigating on feed messages which are struck in reconciliation system and identifying duplicate statements, Statements which are not fed in sequence, statement received in wrong date and statement which are received in wrong currency identifier etc.
  • Creating the auto match and auto allocation rules to reduce manual interpretation in reconciliation and allocation of transactions.
  • Investigate on Inactive or Unknown account which does not feed into reconciliation tool (TLM).
  • Investigate on Unknown accounts with swift messages from agents and load the feeds which got rejected post set up in reconciliation tool.
  • Performing new account set up / account closure in TLM.
  • Preparing CMAR / NBSER & BSER reports and providing commentary to senior management about outstanding transactions on a weekly basis.


06/2014 - 05/2016, MBA (Finance) (64 Percentage), Loyola college

Chennai, India

05/2011 - 04/2014, B.COM (88 percentage), Meenakshi college for women

Chennai, India

11/2011 - 01/2012, Cost Accounting (62 Percentage), ICWA (Foundation)

Chennai, India


Microsoft Office
Microsoft Excel
Microsoft Word
Microsoft Outlook
Microsoft Powerpoint
Reconciliation sytem


08/2016, Advanced Excel, Citi Bank
01/2016, Phonology, Dale Carnegle
05/2017, Capital Markets, Dun & Bradstreet


ARC Award, Citi Bank

Recognized as best performer for successful completion of process improvements on stopping the duplicates swift messages from agent bank and internal source system which was feeding in recon system and reduction of unknown accounts in recon system.


Play station
Social Network
Position Overview:

Senior Officer

A Senior Officer has to be someone who has already spent some years working in their respective field. As part of the “Senior” workforce in a company, they will likely oversee the activities of groups of co-workers and maybe have the final say in decision-making processes. They can assist with a whole number of operations within a company depending on the branch or area that they are hired to work in. The outcome of their work is almost always delivering processes and making contributions to initiatives which support their firm’s strategic priorities. Communication and organizational skills are an absolute essential to be good at this job!

Company Overview:

Hard to overlook by anyone in the banking world, BNP Paribas is the 8th biggest bank in the world by total assets. The company is great for anyone looking to start their career in the financial sector. The company is also able to accommodate special needs for its workers such as remote working conditions. The trade-off for these and many more benefits is that there can be an imbalance in your work-life balance, as the banking industry is one of the most competitive work environments of all. Still, should you want to break through in finance, and are willing to work for it, this can be the place at which to do so.

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