Business Process Analyst CV Sample

Hired by: Genpact

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Business Process Analyst CV Sample (Full Text Version)

Julian Castro

Address: Castro 929, Dublin, Ireland
Date of birth: 1999-19-09
Email address:
Phone number: 999-999-999


A solution-driven and detail-oriented IT Professional with experience working with cross-functional teams in the data analysis, IT system analysis, operations and delivery of process innovation driving the attainment of business goals. Helping all kinds of business in their digital transformation journey for more than 3 years. Enthusiast of advance analytics, algorithms and models, mining big data, and machine learning.


09/2017 - 08/2018, MSc Business Analytics || H1, First Class Honors 1.1, National University of Ireland, Galway, Galway, Ireland
08/2008 - 07/2012, Computer Engineering || H 2.1,Second Class Honors, Kurukshetra University, India
  • Bachelor of Engineering in Computer Engineering From Kurukshetra University, India

Work experience

04/2016 - 08/2017, Business Data Analyst, Genpact, Noida, India

• Worked with the business and functional users to analyze client's requirements. Identified challenges within the project(s) and devised software solutions in conjunction with technical staff.

• Analyzed the historical data for the incidents reported and the reoccurring issues. Presented this data to the business stakeholders to identify trends and opportunities for the improvement using SAP BI and ServiceNow Reporting.

• Created dashboards using MS Excel and Tableau. Presented the finding to the business stakeholders and identified the areas of process improvement.

• Lead Post Incident Review (PIR) meetings for Critical Problem Records and for any recommended Problem Records.

• Provided expert guidance to all support teams within IS and assist in their training and knowledge development.

• Implemented the shift-left approach while working with the Continuous Improvement team. Drove the standardization of processes hence leading to faster resolution of the incidents. Achieved overall reduction in MTTR time by 12%.

02/2015 - 03/2016, Technical Consultant, Genpact, India

• Extensively worked in maintenance and enhancement of back-end applications of core insurance and wealth management.

• Provided production support including triage, troubleshooting, root cause analysis and resolution including post-release analysis, reporting, and monitoring.

• Experienced in Handling Change Request Management and implemented the change effectively by using change management process

• Wrote SQL Queries, complex stored procedures and troubleshot failed SQL jobs.

• Worked with developers, QA, and the business to understand the environment, design improvements and to implement them.

• Implemented continuous service improvement plans to identify application issues and risks in timely manner.Implemented appropriate mitigation and contingency plans.

• Was involved in the improvement of existing documentation system and creating new documentation, resulting in reduced labor costs totaling 1.5 million dollars annually via increased efficiency of front-line analysts in resolving complex issues.

11/2013 - 09/2014, Performance and Capacity Analyst, Beno Support Pvt Ltd, India

• Administered the IT infrastructure and the core business applications.

• Experienced in managing both low and high severity incidents across the entire incident life-cycle in accordance with availability, resolution and restoring SLAs.

• Compiled reports, generated graphs for both performance and productivity.Determined if root cause analysis is required and initiated Problem Management.

• Identified reoccurring issues. Worked with IT & Business partners to remediate using the problem management process.

Skill Summary

Machine Learning , AI
R, Python,Java
Tableau, IBM SPSS & Watson
MS Office, Visio
Process Improvement
ITIL , Problem Management, Change Management
Agile, Lean , Scrum
Design Thinking


SAP BW Data Modelling & ETL: created Info Objects showing data and data targets from retail industry; designed Info Cube to store and report data; performed ETL into Data warehouse.

Developed a prediction model for predicting Bitcoin price using Twitter Sentiment Analysis

Tools and technologies Used: R, Python, LSTM, Machine Learning, Tableau, IBM SPSS and XL Miner.

Data Visualization using Tableau: Implemented the data visualization dashboard for the mode of transport used by people in Dublin City dataset; designed the dashboard with best practices and obtained the greater insights.

Analysis-Spreadsheet Modelling & Decision-Making Project (Business Analysis): Used Microsoft Excel formulas to analyse complex problems from functional areas of management, including marketing, operations, and human resources. Used Advanced Excel Options—Solver for optimal choice.


Customer Driven


04/2018, SAP BW, ERP4Students
Machine Learning Coursera, Stanford University
01/2017, Cisco Certified Network Associate, Cisco


09/2017, Student Volunteer, National University Of Ireland,Galway
  • Recipient of NUI Galway ALIVE President's Award for Student Volunteering,
  • Recipient of Societies Leadership Award
Position Overview:

Business Process Analyst

A Business Process Analyst (BPA) is a specialized Business Analyst, who focuses on “thinking processes”. They draw on inferences from product details and connect them to a bigger picture by considering a firm’s goals in identifying possible process improvements. Usually, a BPA has the ability to order and structure a large amount of information within a procedural framework. They have knowledge of process mapping and business reengineering. They need these skills to facilitate workshops, create procedural documents, and presenting new process designs to stakeholders or their supervisors. An average UK salary for a BPA oscillates somewhere around £37,500 and can go all the way up to £80,000.

Company Overview:

Genpact is a worldwide professional services company, at the forefront of driving digital-led innovation and digitally-enabled operations for their clients. With experience gathered from working with multiple of their Fortune 500 clients, they deduced the most efficient method to design, create solutions, and solve problems is with data analytics. As any leading firm, working here means you get a lot of space to grow professionally, with many opportunities and projects to partake in. Their pay and benefits are also adequately rewarding but do not increase at as constant of a rate as elsewhere. But that is, of course, because it is already quite high.

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