U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs Administrative Trainee Resume Example

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U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs Administrative Trainee Resume Example (Full Text Version)

Peter James

Email address: hello@kickresume.com
Phone number: 555-555-5555


Competent and enthusiastic social work student currently in field placement at Ohio Living Breckenridge Village. Continuing to implement the foundational skills of active listening, empathy, conducting assessments, and utilizing intervention strategies with the residents. Conducts assessments and develops treatment plans with supervision.

Professional Experience

06/2018 - present, Administrative Student Trainee, Part-Time (20hrs / wk), GS-7, U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, Cleveland, Ohio
  • Processes and screens all incoming calls and assisting callers in their various needs.
  • Obtains, organizes, files, scans, and retrieves reports and numerical data for use in preparing reports, briefings, and presentations.
  • Collaborates with social work supervisors to develop a orientation process for newly hired social workers.
  • Collaborates and assists multidisciplinary teams across the service and organizational lines to launch new initiatives, such as the Gender Identity Veteran Experience clinic's SharePoint.
06/2010 - 12/2016, Aviation Ordnance Technician/ E-5 Sergeant, United States Marine Corps

Marine Corps Base Hawaii, Kaneohe Bay, Hawaii

April 2014 - December 2016

  • Recognized by executive military leadership for managing 594 aircraft support equipment and their respective records and training personnel to upgrade their qualifications.
  • Instructed for a Lance Corporal Leadership & Ethics Seminar, led nine junior personnel in Marine Corps leadership, ethical leadership, physical training classes, and practical applications for a total of 50 hours.
  • Counseled, coached, and mentored a total of 40 Marines and Sailors in personal and professional matters by establishing goals and monitoring their progress on a monthly basis.

Marine Corps Air Station Beaufort, South Carolina

May 2012 - March 2014

  • Recognized by executive military leadership for managing $13,400,000 worth of tools and associated equipment with noteworthy comments from three separate inspection teams for 23 months.
  • Created, utilized, and maintained multiple databases to account for all support equipment between Marine Corps Air Station Beaufort and Bahrain, Afghanistan, Japan, and stateside deployments with zero loss or damage.

Research / Field Experience

09/2019 - 04/2020, Social Work Intern, Ohio Living Breckenridge Village, Willoughby, Ohio
  • Implements a Macro-intervention to assist the Veterans on campus with accessing their Veterans Affairs benefits via benefit exposition.
  • Discusses ethical dilemmas with supervisor.
  • Completes self-evaluation with supervisor about roles and boundaries in agency.
  • Maintains and adapts professional skills to meet the needs of the older adult population.
  • Utilizes agency technology and software for communication, documentation, and education.


08/2020 - present, Master of Science in Social Administration, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio

Currently accepted, pending Fall 2020 registration

08/2017 - 05/2020, Bachelor of Arts in Social Work, Ursuline College, Pepper Pike, Ohio
  • Earned a total of 46 credits in the Social Work program.
  • Current GPA is a 3.8758.
01/2017 - 05/2018, Associate of Arts in General Studies, Lakeland Community College, Kirtland, Ohio
  • Graduated Magna Cum Laude.
06/2010 - 12/2016, Professional Military Education, United States Marine Corps
  • Completed Advance Leadership Training at Marine Corps Base Hawaii, Kaneohe Bay, Hawaii in 2014.
  • Completed Basic Leadership Training at Marine Corps Air Station Beaufort, South Carolina in 2013.
  • Specialized training in leadership, teaching, mentoring, risk management, equal opportunity, and sexual assault prevention.


06/2018, Chemical Dependency Counselor Assistant Preliminary, Ohio Chemical Dependency Professionals Board

License expired on 07/2019.


  • Veteran Exposition: In Cooperation with Ohio Living Breckenridge Village, the Northeast Ohio Veterans Affairs Health Care System, the Lake County Veteran Service Commission, and the Geauga County Veteran Service Commission. Chaired an open forum venue for Ohio Living Breckenridge Village residents to explore their benefits with the U.S. Department of Veteran Affairs and the Ohio Department of Veteran Services. Ohio Living Breckenridge Village, Willoughby, Ohio, March, 2020.
  • Ohio Stream Quality Monitoring Project: In Cooperation with the Ohio EPA District II, the Ohio Department of Natural Resources, Division of Watercraft, the Lake County Soil and Water Conservation District; and Lakeland Community College, Dr. David Pierce, project director. E. Branch Chagrin River, Kirtland Hills, Ohio, July, 2017.


Phone Calls
Peer Mentoring
Team Building
Career Development
Project Management
Records Management
Microsoft Excel
Microsoft Word
Microsoft Powerpoint
Microsoft Sharepoint
VA Pulse
Social Work
Active Listening
Conducting Assessments
Intervention Strategies


  • Excels with college studies by earning a place on the Presdient and Dean's List every semester.


Bachelor of Social Work Student of the Year 2019, National Association of Social Workers, Ohio Chapter
Navy and Marine Corps Achievement Medal, Department of the Navy, Twice Awarded
Certificate of Commendation, United States Marine Corps, Twice Awarded
Meritorious Mast, United States Marine Corps
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